Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Life in the fast lane...

surely will make you lose your mind... Well, my life is not lived in the fast lane, but I do move quickly! I keep thinking about what is to come, and how early I will have to be up in the morning, to plow my way through the snow to feed these animals. I wish I could recruit someone to help me! I need a break once in a while! Someone took my board again on Central and Goodman. I would love to know if anyone out there can help me with pallet boards - something like 3x4 ft. plank/plywood boards. Why would these people take this from me. And they are trashing my bath towels, the old used ones I get as donations that are dwindling. I am as usual running out of time and need to get to work, but I hope I remember to touch on a subject tomorrow in my blog about good people who have lost a pet. Remind me! :) Have a great day!

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