Tuesday, August 17, 2010

And then there was one...

This morning was as per usual, all kitties hungry, after most places have raccoons that come and devour the food and water sometime after I leave, hopefully at night, so the cats have time to fill themselves. You can tell they were there as the food bowls are full of dirt and filth, and the food bowls are tumbled over. When I got to the Hebard Street kitties, where Mama had her two babies a couple of months ago under the camper on the mean woman's property across from the garage where I feed under, I found a kitten dead in the street. The poor thing was only a few months old. You have to wonder if the mother grieves for her babies when they are killed. And who was the cold hearted person who ran the little thing over? As per usual, I wrapped it in a donated baby blanket, and took it to its final spot. The doggy in the back yard where no one sees was once again tied around the tree. I did see food it the bowl, but is this dog getting any love, or attention? Does he ever get walked? I felt his ribs and he is very thin. I just don't know about our system. I wish someone besides me would speak up for justice... Am I becoming hardened to this sadness as time goes by?

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