Tuesday, August 10, 2010

All Guts No Glory

Don't ask me... i have no idea where my titles come from. I have so many wierd thought processes, I just think of this stuff! :) I was thinking to myself though this morning as I was checking on all my sites. I was thinking that it takes someone with a lot of willpower to do what I do. You have to have a fierce determination to do this on a daily basis. Yesterday, as I was driving home from work, it had started to rain, and I cursed Channel 13 for once again getting it wrong from the forecast I had watched that morning. As the evening progressed, the rain fell harder. We were deluged once again with a ton of rain. It was so hot and steamy out this morning you could cut it with a knife. That means the kitties on the street are suffering for it. Their food is completely soggy, their coats are more matted and what ever skin ailments they suffer from are ten times worse. I had to pick up a lot of drenched filthy muddy towels, and place fresh clean dry ones down. Its really hard on them. I must find them homes!!! Please, I need a sanctuary! Donations Donations Donations!

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