Tuesday, April 1, 2014


So I get home yesterday and get the mail, and there is a Certified letter waiting for me.  Apparently, a woman that reads my blog left me $10,000 in her will 'for cat food.'  I was astounded.  Do you know that $10,000 would enable me to feed the inner city cats that I feed on a daily basis, for an entire year!  That would include wet and dry food.  It costs me just over $100 per week to buy 140 pounds of food.  Yes, I go through nearly 20 pounds of dry food a day feeding these cats.  That's not including their favorite, wet food.  Some people might say that they don't need wet food.  Well, I try to give these cats a 'treat' with it, because they have nothing, and I mean NOTHING else.  No shelter, no love, no warmth, no security.  So I give them wet when I can.  So, as I said, I was astounded.

Now for the kicker.  April Fools!  :)  Sorry dear people.  I am a jokester through and through.  My mother does not fall for my yearly pranks anymore.  I called her at 5:45 this morning on my route, thinking she would surely be too groggy to not believe that my car was stolen on Parsells Avenue and I was waiting for the police.  Poor Mom.  Sorry Mom.  But you don't believe me anymore when I call to tell you I am pregnant each year.  ha ha.

Yes, its a cruel joke on me also.  I do NOT have the extra $10,000 a year to feed these animals.  I have nothing.  So  I make by on what I can, and pray I get donations here and there.  So thank you, all of you, who have ever donated to me.  I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart!

Here are some photos taken this morning (be sure to click on the pictures to see them a bit larger):

Pretty sad stuff.  Please consider fostering one of these precious animals to get them off the street.  And don't forget to spread the word.  Its the least you can do is to pass this blog on to someone else.  Thanks.

Have a great day!


  1. OK...you got me hook, line & sinker. So sad it's not true. I will be taking advantage of the GREAT SALE at K-Mart this week and picking up several 16-lb bags of Friskies dry food for $10.99 each. It's not $10,000 but it's given from the heart. Believe me, if I had $10K I would gladly give it to you. - Carol

  2. I do not do well with jokes... I was so excited for you that when you said it wasn't real I started to cry :( If only it were true!!!

  3. You had me going for about 5 seconds....and then I thought "no way....it should happen to you but I doubted it." Good one!!

  4. Janine, you crack me up! Thanks for the smile even if it was only April Fools. :-)

  5. I'm glad the joke was on us, not on you. That would have been a horrible, cruel April Fool's trick on you if you had got that in the mail......I hate April Fools, I always fall for it.
    And I was thinking, "it's got to be one of those scam letters, poor Janine."
    Wish it were really truly true, you could put that money to the best use!

    And so glad Teddy has a happy ending.....long haired grey cats are the sweetest babies.
