Thursday, May 31, 2012

Tenacious Thursday

Tenacious:  Persistent, stubborn.  Thats me to a T.  I scheduled today and tomorrow off from work as vacation days over a month ago, thinking this was the holiday weekend.  Oh well.  So I had  a very short week at work.  Wonderful.  So today begins just like any other day, except instead of going to work, I clean my house for four hours.  When I am done, I look around and am very happy.  By the next day, the house is back to cat and dog hair on furniture, my white, down on my knees hand washed kitchen floor has specks on it, my bed is not quite put together like it was the day before, and the stove and countertops are not sparkling quite the way they were.  Oh well.  What are you going to do.  At least I got my vegetables planted last night in the garden.  I will look forward to a nice homegrown salad at the end of the summer, if not sooner.

I went to all my spots this morning, and then some.  When I see a cat roaming in the hood, I assume its hungry, and if I have any leftover food and water, always get out, place a bowl of each on the ground somewhere out of the homeowner's sight, and hope they nourish themselves for the day.  For the past couple of weeks, when I go to feed the kitties behind Wally's neighbors house, I see there are new tenants that have moved in to his apartment up above.  They replaced the evil witch that lived there.  Wally has always been a sort of private man, but always has his door open for anyone.  Did I mention Wally was jumped a couple of weeks ago?  He was quite shaken the day after it happened, when I went there to bring him some food I had made, but never wants to report it to the police.  Regardless, the people that have moved into the place upstairs are TRASH.  Would call them White Trash, but they are black, so not sure what to call them.  They have taken over Wally's porch, I see his handrail is on the ground this morning, there is trash everywhere.  There are people on the porch at 5:30 in the a.m. when I go there.  I think Wally is too timid to say anything.  I am going to have a word with him.  I wish I could move him out of there to a place where there are people who are his age, and are respectful of each other and their environment.  Poor Wally.  I feel sad for him.

I did not see "Limpy" this morning, but most of the gang was out in full force.  If you remember, last year we (myself and another girl) tried to trap five kittens on Pennsylvania, and I think we were successful after a lot of attempts, but I saw two young ones this morning at the same spot.  So sad.  Wish we had included them on our recent TNR project, but I had not seen them.  I did place some food and water down for them, but not sure how long that will last as homeowners get rid of these quick.  They can care less for an animal.  Most don't at least.

May road rise up to meet you May wind be ever at your back May sun shine warm upon your face May rain fall softly on your fields Goodbye, until we meet again.

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