Thursday, December 1, 2011

Help Wanted!

Part-Time position open.  Duties include one hour + a day, 365 days a year, must be morning person,   must have valid driver's license. You will be expected to work in many different environments including potentially dangerous and strenuous situations. have a love for dangerous situations in high risk criminal areas  Benefits include:  Nothing.  No insurance, no pay, but occasional pats on the back will be most rewarding to you. You will be expected to perform remote visual inspections in the field for a variety of clients including but not limited to cats, raccoons, opossums and occasional dogs.  Must love animals!

I have had a total of three people offer to help me within the past year and half, to give me a break, but that never happened.  Thats not to say I never had help.  Heather was the only one who was there for me when I needed to travel and be away.  She was a trooper through and through and I cannot thank her enough for doing that, even to this day.   I keep on trucking along though, especially when I see their little faces sitting there waiting for me.  There are so many wonderful adult kitties that need adoption out there.  They would make the sweetest, cuddliest kitties.  And don't forget I have three kittens ready for a home!  Rufus, Midnight and Buddy!

I had a surprise yesterday.  A woman wrote me to say she had been reading my blog, offered me a built shelter, and said if everyone had just a fraction of compassion that I have, the world would be a better place.  And its true, if we all opened out hearts and homes for JUST ONE MORE, I could possibly get that needed break I so deserve, to not have to go out and feed all these animals each day.  But this woman - who doesn't know me at all, opened her heart to donate this shelter and a bag of food, and that was my pat on the back.  It meant the world to me.  Thank you to everyone who has ever patted me on the back!

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