Tuesday, January 22, 2019

LATE Post!

Joel and Kings, plodding and trodding

Click on pic to see closer - shelter in back - boys are working!

This morning was the first morning that the wind and snow weren’t blowing.  But the temperature sure was low.  It made it up to 12 degrees, which is still bitter cold for the animals.  Today though, fingers crossed, the temps will rise to 30, especially if the sun shines, which is predicted for this afternoon.  I was honored to get more help this morning.  Thanks to Joel – shelter builder, author, and HE-MAN, we were able to redig out the snow that had come down after yesterday’s route, and he made the paths a little wider.  Its hard walking on top of all that snow when you are trying walk a tightrope, which is the way it feels walking to the back of these long lots.  I have fallen a total of 5 times now in three days – thank God the snow is soft.  While I sat in the warm truck, he and Kings plodded through all 20 or so stops.  Kings poured the food and water, and Joel shoveled and shuffled.  Thanks Guys, I am just so appreciative.  It’s been very hard to do this myself.  I am waiting for doctor appointment to figure out when to have this surgery, which should only limit me for 2-3 weeks.  At that time, I will need help.  Help which is so hard for me to ask for.  I mean, I got myself into this, but I can’t just let these cats starve.  They still need to be cared for.  Even if someone would take over half the route.  Lots for me to think about.

In the meantime, anyone care to help tomorrow?  Paths already dug!  Easy peasy!  :) 

I received a call from Reese and Newton’s new adoptive parents.  Newton was lethargic, vomiting, crying, and not eating.  We went to pick Newton up yesterday to bring him to Pittsford Animal Hospital.  They treated him with anti nausea medicine, and gave him fluids.    Adopters don’t realize the amount of money rescuers spend on their babies before, AND AFTER, they get them to make sure they are healthy and thriving, ready for adoption.  I kept him overnight, and he ate just a little, but otherwise he seems fine, but he’s quiet.  I’m not sure what to do about him.  Will keep him for the day to see…  eating, using litter box, playing, etc….

A reporter for Channel 13 reached out to me to do a story on the survival of the cats in these winter storms.  We have not connected, but I would be honored to share THEIR story with the world.  Its these homeless babies that need to be seen and recognized.  The City needs to help.  We need shelters in every public lot, not necessarily for feeding, but for shelter from storms!  They are living sentient beings!

That’s it for today.  Again, thanks to Joel for your hard work.  I hope you dried off! 

Have a great day!

"I honestly think it is better to be
a failure at something you love
than to be a success 
at something you hate."


  1. Happy to help !
    All dried off now too !
    Ready to go again!

  2. First chance I've had. When will you know about surgery? Job was eliminated. I am debating retire or find something.
    Still reading your blog.

