Monday, January 14, 2019

FEED A CAT FOR CHRISTMAS............ And Beyond! JANUARY 3rd!!! SANDY M.!!!

Taken this morning - these two little ones need help

SANDY M.!!!!!  Thanks to Sandy, I was able to feed many kitties today.  Some friendly, some scared, and some wild.  But all in need of food and water and shelter.  And unfortunately, not all the homeless kitties out there will  have that for today.  I met Sandy many years ago, when her friend, and my friend’s friend, who is now my friend too, (ha ha – can you follow?) adopted a cat from me.  We got together for drinks and Sandy was there, and I fell in love with her kind and generous spirit.  Thank you DOC for all you do for the animals!
Melville.  I am having a hard time adjusting with my old spot and first spot – on Melville Street.  A woman that lives next door to the empty house has offered to feed the cats that I’ve been feeding after the Q@#$!#$! Workers came by and were going to remove the shelters I had provided for the homeless cats in that section.  I’ve TNR’d most of the cats there over the years, and I trust this woman is going to feed the cats, but I went to check – naturally I had to as I’ve been their caregiver for so many years – and I saw one of the grey cats looked very thin.  I went and put food down, and water, and the cat drank the water like there was no tomorrow.  I also wanted to show her how to arrange the shelters so that it would like good, but I don’t think she wants any part of it.  She doesn't like the shelters and I think she feels that feeding them is good enough.  Those poor cats were using those shelters and my heart is breaking - she has them facing west where the wind and weather comes from – but I won’t give up.  If these #@%$^@%$^@ workers want to trash the shelters each time they are there, I will continue to place new ones.  Its cold out there.  It was in the low teens this weekend.
Speaking of trashing shelters, I need to find out who owns the property behind the bus company where the radio tower is on Garson Avenue – those @#$#@%$! Removed 5 beautiful shelters.  I will certainly give them a piece of my mind if I can find someone to speak to.  Nice job #@#$!%Qs, hope you are sleeping well at night.

Bunny was brought to her new home yesterday, out in Williamson, where she joins a new sister Kitty.  Last report I had was that she had found a hiding spot in the large bathroom she was going to be initially kept in, and she wouldn’t come out of it.  I am waiting for an update. 

Max and Jax were delivered to their new home on Saturday.  What a great pair they are, and I am so delighted to have them adopted as a pair.  Their new mom is awesome.  And they will be spoiled royally.

Miley and Limpy – these are the two cats I trapped on Melville that were supposed to be TNR’d, but the weather was too bad to let them out.  Miley was brought to Foster Sue, who now has only Holly, and Holly needs a companion, so we believe Miley will be good for her for now until they are both adopted.  I am hoping another foster will take Limpy, who is at Foster Carol’s house who is in hiding.  We are trying to figure out how to get him out and back into a cage that he escaped from. 

I need to get an update from Foster Kim who is caring for Sabrina, who really needs a home.  Lets get the word out about Sabrina!  And Katie!

Have a great day.

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