Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Not Much

My Vanessa

Thanks everyone for your comments.  They are what keep me going.  The commentless posts get me down, but then again, I have to remember, this is like a diary for me, its not for everyone, I understand, but for those that take the time to go through the steps to make a comment, I appreciate it.

Dear Diary.

Ha.  I don't have a lot to say today.  I have my down days, and I think today is one of them.  Nothing like a good Zumba class won't cure this evening.  I will pick up my 16 year old niece and dance away.

I trudged through the snow again this morning, all the usual suspects were out.  Tuffy ran to meet me, although he keeps his distance.  Today, he was on Second.  Tomorrow, he may be on Central.  The next day, he may be on Pennsylvania.  Some of these cats travel, for sure.  Today its wind.  They are predicting maybe an inch today, but the winds will be severe and will cause drifts.  Its always something.

I think I need a really decent day.  I need a lot of things, but I think a day off with the sun beating down on my face would do the trick.

I wish you all a great day.
"Faith is accepting that you may not understand
everything, but knowing that God will direct you to
what He wants for your life."


  1. Hi Janine! I feel the same way today, just dont want to get up and go to work! I love all the pictures you put in the blog. Tracy

  2. Mmm, that makes 3 of us feeling it today. Never thought I would chuckle at that saying "Misery loves company" but I actually did today . Chin up girls, we have our gorgeous good looks to get us thru !!!! xoxox

  3. Love Vanessa and her humble toy !

  4. Just placed an order through PETCO for 10 16-lb bags of Purina and 2 cases of Friskies (big) cans. Tried to place an order through Amazon but s&h was outrageous. I think there are a few tarps coming. Hopefully it will help just a little. I think we're all in need of some sunshine. Mike and I still looking for homes for those cuties to the right of this post. Hugs to you Janine! - Carol

  5. Vanessa looks so thrilled to have her picture taken! Pumpkin hates it, too, but Charley doesn't seem to mind.

  6. Hi Janine,
    I read your blog every single time you post. I get upset at those things that upset you and am happy when things go well for you and your cat-mission. I don't post comments because I thought you'd get sick of seeing them! But I'm here and do donate to your cause (through Paypal) regularly, how's that?
    Your cat feeding and rescue is something close to my heart, I do what I can for kitties in my area, too. I live in a small town and fortunately there are a few crazy cat ladies here, scattered around so the cats do have places to go for food and shelter. And right now, this coming week, my husband and I are going to see if we can trap a feral, probably pregnant tuxedo girl. Her colony seems to have kicked her out so we'll see about taming her and keeping her inside. We'll see. At least she won't have more kittens. I need another cat, with my 10 inside already. We do have a big house, so it's not that bad....ha ha ha.

    I got carried away, long winded, but just wanted you to know there are others 'out here' who ARE here every day, out in the early morning hours with you every day-in spirit.

    Southern Tier crazy cat lady,

    PS. Your Vanessa looks like very similar to my Sweetie and Clara. These are nice cats!

  7. I have two Vanessa/ Clara/ Sweetie type torties for adoption about 5 months old that Janine posted their pics about two weeks ago on her blog email, if you hear of anyone interested! And I live way south of rochester not quite southern tier but can travel north or south! Carole
