Thursday, February 6, 2014


3:45 am. – Up and at em.  Put warmies on, turn on coffee, greet kitties, do litter boxes, put make up on, sit and sip coffee for a minute and contemplate 1.5 feet of new snow outside.

4:50 am. – out the door – shovel path to vehicle, use broom to clear off, start up, and off I go!  Wheeeeeeee!  (NOT).

5:00 – 6:45 am. – Drive to each of my 16 locations to get in and out of vehicle, shovel paths, shake out snow covered towels, place dry towels, dry food, wet food, water. 

Each of my spots took me between 5-10 minutes.  Normally, I can do it in under 2 minutes most spots.  Still, it only took me an extra half hour, which I was surprised by. 

At each of my spots, some were there, some not.  You can  see the paths the cats have made – to and from the shelters – from wherever they went in the blizzard we had yesterday.  (the pictures posted here are from years past)  Some might not call it a blizzard, but it sure was north of the thruway.  We had whipping winds, so the snow wasn’t just coming from one direction, it was coming from all directions.  Not one area untouched by the snow.  I shoveled, and I shoveled, every single hour since work let us go at 1 pm. and by the time I got home.  My heart was filled with sadness at how the cats were faring, with no where to escape the ferocious winds and snow pelting down.

I realize now that cats are very resilient, they can get through most of this weather that we have here in Rochester.  I am just glad my kitties don’t live in the Antartica, or anywhere in the upper midwest for that matter.   I can’t imagine what that 50 below zero weather is like for them.

So be assured, those of you that have a hard time reading my blog sometimes.  All of ‘our’ kitties are doing well.  They are yours also.  Anyone who has ever donated food, money, towels, shelters, food containers, bowls, tarps, boards, concrete slabs, adopting, and most importantly fostering a cat here or there… they are your kitties also, and I am their caretaker.  I am making sure they are safe, sound, and fed.  Thank you all for everything you’ve done to help me.

PS, Say a prayer today for Lenny, the kitty I rescued from Central last week, who will be going in for his neutering, but first his testing for Leukemia.  Lets pray he is negative for that.  (UPDATE:  They just advised, Lenny is NEGATIVE for BOTH!!! - He is good to go and ready for adoption, YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!) (PS, so is Niles, Fraser, and Teddy!)

Thanks for reading, and have a safe and warm day!