Friday, December 28, 2012

What a Workout

Its been a tough two days for me.  By the way, I fell THREE times yesterday, not twice, like I stated.  I am certainly not looking for sympathy, believe me, the cats have it much worse than I do.  Whats a little limping for me, right?

This morning started off with a dead battery.  Thank God for AAA, who I wind up calling at least once a year - their $90 fee is totally worth it.

 It took me another two hours this morning to do the 15 or so stops I make every day.

Starting off with Seventh St., where I have to walk to the back of a vacant lot. To step into the mound that the snow plow makes, its practically up to my waist once you sink full fledged into the pile. You get past that, and you waddle and shuffle your way to the back, trying to create a path for the cats little legs to follow through when they need to get out and venture. I fill the water bowl, and the dishes of food, change the damp towel, and place the board back up for protection. I then waddle back to the car. This is like doing water aerobics, because the snow is so dense and heavy. The only good part of this is I am getting much needed exercise!

Next stop is Central, where the back shelter is buried under snow, but I’ve managed to push the board up just enough to get under it to replace the food, water and towel for them to stand on in comfort. Otherwise, snow got inside it and its not pleasant for them. I pray they use the wooden hut and plastic dog house there, that are filled with straw.

Next onto Second, where still, the eight or so kitties that normally come up to me each morning, aren’t around since the storm. Just the diehards, like Angel. I go back to their snowy enclave, behind Paul’s house, and refill their food and water. I wonder where they go. I replaced some snow filled plastic totes, as it didn’t matter which way they faced – north east west or south – on Wednesday, it was just too much wind to matter. Everything was blanketed with snow.

My next quick stop on Pennsylvania – the food was left under a truck for those poor souls. There is no where to place the bowls, nor is there shelter set up by me for them. Its just not ideal. Maybe at the abandoned house across the street on the tiny open porch. But getting them to cross over is a tough one. I will try, although then again, I am out of shelters. Straw too!

Next is Third, where Angel has been drifting over from Second to. Grady and Bully wait patiently for me, their spot is totally snow covered also. There is little I can do right now to make that spot more comfortable. Must replace all the straw, and fortress up the boards better. Its hard doing all this by myself!

Next is Central and Third, where I shake out the little towel, make sure the little stryofoam box that a pretty little white and tabby kitty sleeps in is still warm and secure, give her some food and water, and then its back to Pennsylvania, where Sparkles still seems to be stuck up in the third floor of the empty, boarded up house. I am sure she can get out if she would only go back down to the basement and hop up to the barred open window. She doesn’t look distressed, so I am hoping she is just using this house to keep warm in.

Then onto Sixth, where Mr. Whiskers was no where to be seen this morning, but he could be heard. Again, I am not sure if they are holing up in an abandoned house on Short, and can’t remember how to get out, but I heard the cries the whole time I changed towels and replaced ice for water, etc. on the Sixth St. porch. No sign of Hercules this morning either. I finally managed to get down the snow filled Short Street since yesterday I was not able. I had to dig out the snow at that spot too. There was a pretty black kitty sheltered in the wooden hut there, but everything was snow covered, including their bowls of food and water. So glad I made it there to make everything better this morning. They need me so.

I must stop here, as this is getting too lengthy, and I must get to work!

Part Two of my journey tomorrow! And hopefully with some pictures!

Have a beautiful day!


  1. I know you do this Janine in the hope that even just one more of these homeless cats, will be picked up and have a forever home by someone. You have never given up on this. It is quite remarkable that you do this without the power and resource of the big animal charity's. It means so much to you I know, when your effort is recognised by way of one more homeless cat, taken into a loving safe home. We too are much appreciative of the news of adoptions and the daily update of these otherwise forgotten animals.

  2. Janine, I forgot to ask you how Earl Grey is doing? Has he warmed up to you yet?
