Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Past, Present and Future...

I will be reposting some of my posts from the past, only due to lack of time, and the fact that some of you may not have been able, nor had time, to go that far back! 

This was from May of 2011 - Funny, I mentioned my sweet boy Red....


I just got re-addicted to the Who. Love that band. Great tune too. Well, this morning, I cried. Not out of sadness, but of joy. I know I am super emotional, so don't mock me, but at my first stop, as I was going back to my car after feeding 5 cats in the back of the lot there, and as I was putting down food near the tree by the street for the grey cat that has come to expect it, I turned around and outside the house next to the lot was a girl standing there watching me. As I finished up, I walked towards her and said my normal statement "just feeding the cats" and she started to say something like "Bless you". Well, I was shocked. Not many people in 'the hood' say stuff like that to me. She was a heavily accented and very pretty Puerto Rican girl who later after introducing each other, named Jacqueline. We talked for about 5 minutes and she told me she has watched me for years doing what I do on her street and she said she admired me for doing it being an animal lover herself. She had a friend named Emily with her - of course this is all at 5:20 am. - not sure what she was doing just getting home - but it just made me cry. Its so far and few between that you are thanked for what you do every day out there on the streets. Of course, I felt like asking her why she couldn't take care of the kitties on her own street, but thats another problem in itself. What I do is just such a thankless job, but I wish I could live forever doing this, I really don't want to age more than I am because I won't be able to do what I do anymore. I wish I could clone me! The top pic is of Teddy (the Tiger), the kitty that is sick that I need to rescue, but have no room for, and the second pic is of Red, I feed Red at my last spot. Wonderful beautiful Red.


  1. Aaww, Teddy is gorgeous, what is his illness Janine ? God bless those young women that support what you do, that means a lot to the cats, it is another person who shares your belief that the cats rightfully exist without harm or hinderance. It is a good thing for many reasons, including your safety on those streets.

  2. Awww... Janine this is nice that you are sharing past posts. Surely Teddy is very pretty/ handsome. I would also like to know the illness & the outcome. By the way, there were pallets (or atleast one) on Merchants, on right side beyond Woodstock, heading towards Winton
