Friday, January 6, 2012

My Critters

Meet Buster:   She is one sweet girl.  She has a darling face.  If you can't make this picture bigger, let me know and I will send it to you via e-mail.  Its worth the close up.  I went and picked her up from Wally's last night, and made it known to Wally that I was unhappy about this.  But what am I going to do.  I can't force my life upon someone else.  If his landlord said get rid of it, then he had to.  He can't afford to look for another place.  There are a lot of reasons why he is in his situation in the first place, and who am I to scold him.  So, I have to let it be, and pray that Miss B. moves into her new apartment, which she tells me will be Tuesday when the gas and electric are turned in, and she can take Buster, who is now prisoner in my bedroom.  Yay.

Each morning, while you are all snug as bugs in your rngs in bed, I am out there feeding cats braving the elements.  I hope you all feel guilty!  Guilty I say, guilty!  ha ha.  I thought about this as I was driving around, and how nice it would be for me to be laying in bed not having to do this.  But do it I must.  My own animals have me trained, and I don't like it.  By 3 am., I hear scratching, and I hear the dog whimpering.  I can usually get up, feed the cats, give Trouble her insulin shot, let the dog out, feed the cat on the porch (homeless, but I leave the door propped open for her to sleep on chair), clean out litter boxes, take my vitamins, turn on TV and coffee, and get back into bed for an hour until 4:30 am.  I usually lay there, too wound up to go back to sleep, or this one or that one wants to cuddle, like Rufus, the feral kitten I rescued in November, who is now sleeping on my bed, and cuddles face to face with me now.  Anyone want a kitten?  Anyways, at 2:30 this morning the dog is crying and the cats are scratching.  They know how to stir me.  I refused, and layed there, and then heard a bowl crash on floor, and heard the million little pieces of dry cat food that was in it cover the entire kitchen floor.  I put the cat food on the counter at night so the dog doesn't eat it.  Well, let me tell you, that was fun having to get down on my knees and pick up each little piece of food.  I was so mad, but they got fed anyway, and Thunder was let out to do his business, and the kitty on the porch was fed, and everyone was happy, but me.  Got back into bed, and tossed and turned, and went out on my route, and here I am now, exhausted, and ready to go to bed.  But go to work I must.  And thats that. 

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