Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Prayer for All the Street Kitties

A friend of mine, Norma, who runs the Pet Pride of WNY - http://petprideny.org/PPNY/Home.html sent me this poem and said she thought of me when she read it.  She warned me it was a three Kleenex read, so I am glad I did not read it at work.  Its touching, and oh so real.  I hope you all read it through and let me know that you did!  I need to know what I post is not going unread!  Thanks Norma, you've been such an inspiration to me!

From kittenhood you lived your life upon unforgiving streets.
Tough existence for a cat, though you never asked for peace
And now all I can offer you is the needless final peace.

Think of a world where every litter’s planned.
Where every cat is wanted in every town and land
Why are so many homeless? It’s hard to understand
Why every shelter cats and strays.
Praying for adoption within their seven days.
Accusing us of negligence in each compelling feline gaze.
If I took you to a shelter you wouldn’t stand a chance
When even cuddly kitties don’t get a second glance;
And you just growl and hiss and spit while they all purr and prance.
I hope God understands why I cannot offer more
Than a filling bowl of cat food placed outside my door
And a blanket in the garage so you can rest your weary paws.
You are a wild spirit but you could live inside with me.
You need my protection, and you still could be happy.

To neuter and to nurture, that is my responsibility.
And now you’re old the time has come to bring you final rest.
That you let me pick you up at last, I feel that I am blessed
Though I know it’s just because you’re too weak to resist.
I pray that God has mercy on me and will understand,
That for his wild creature I’ve done the best I can not
to just love you from a distance, my wild street kitty friend.

For all the other kitties that live upon the street,
I pray someone will neuter/spay them and give them food to eat, a home
And a helping hand right at the end to ease them into sleep so they will not be alone.

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