Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sookie Sookie Sue

Well, I went to trap this morning at Hebard Street, and if I had no success there, it would have been at Second Street. But as I got to Hebard, and set the trap, the only things moving around it were two NEW black kittens that came out from under the garage. Not even old enough to neuter. And no sign of the new mother with the kittens across the street, the siblings of Little Orphan Annie. Now, where did they come from?? Are people dumping kittens? So, I put food out and went to Niagara Street before heading back to Second Street for a successful trap, and on the porch, sitting in a ball, was a tiny not much more than three weeks old kitten. I am naming her/him Sookie. The little one didn't fight me too much. Its almost like someone dumped the kitten there, left it, and it was wondering where to go or what to do. All by itself. And its back leg is injured. I am posting its picture on here momentarily. WHAT is wrong with people. Now the kitten is on my porch in a carrier all balled up. Sweet. Tiny tiny tiny. Need to find this kitten a home!

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