Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Small Gestures

This morning, when I pulled out of the driveway at 5:31 am. (after getting up at 4:55, letting the dog out, letting the 'I won't let you sleep because I am going to lay on top of you, play, or fight with someone' brood out of the guest bedroom, brush teeth, put face on, prep bag for the ride), I began my every day journey. Going to Pomodoro kitties where there are new kittens abound - shame on Preferred Plants!, then to Hayward Ave. where Freddie was there, but looking a little better, it takes the right moment for me to trap because I hate doing it (he is the sick one), then to 7th Street for the kitties that had their house knocked down and where Mama still hangs after having her kittens rescued by ASL Officer Lalka from the mattress, then onto Smokey #1, Blackie and Stripes on Central and Goodman, where they patiently awaited, and their shelter was still there!, and then onto 2nd Street where I saw the eight cats, some lolling about, a bit of food and water still there, and Thank God the bowls havent' been touched, I think there is kindness lurking somewhere about, then onto Benny and Whitey on Central. That Benny, he stands on his hind legs to greet me. He really needs a home! Then onto Hebard Street for Peanut and Whiskers, where they are there every morning, one inside the garage, and one out, then onto Niagara Street, where I haven't seen Sasha in a few days. Then the final spot - Wilburts, a kind Jamaican man whom I have befriended and allows me to use his lot to shelter and feed, on the corner of Bay and 1st Street, where the food was hardly touched, not sure if that is a good sign or bad sign. Oh, my point to the title of this posting! As I got out of my car at Wilburts on Bay, two police cars were pulling out of 1st street, and the second officer waived to me. Now, I can tell you that I have always had a 'thing' for cops! :) but after all these years, you wonder about their feelings towards people like me. Just rolled out of bed practically, do they think, 'crazy cat lady', or what do they think? I am very vain, and try not to be seen, but they do notice you, and once in a while stop with a puzzled look and you give them the pat answer 'just feeding the kitties!' and smile, and they drive away, probably shaking their heads. But its nice to be acknowledged like that, a small waive of the hand, as if to say, you are doing good! Now, off to 'start my day'! Happy Tuesday!!!!

1 comment:

  1. J9 - finally getting to your blog -- fun! I wonder if there's a site that would want to link to this; SPCA or something, seriously! You are such a good person!
