Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Yesterday I used the word 'oppressive' to describe how the humidity felt lately. This morning on the newscast, I heard Norma Holland use the word REPRESSIVE to describe the humidity. I think she got it wrong. Repressive: the act of repressing; state of being repressed. 2. Psychoanalysis . the rejection from consciousness of painful or disagreeable ideas, memories, feelings, or impulses - yes Norma, I think you used the wrong word! I love words. I love to use new words! Another word I would use this morning is ... MEAN. Someone is very mean at 520 Central Park. Thats where Benny, Whitey and now a black and white kitty I will call Skitty hang. If I ever get to talk to the owner of that boarded up house who is doing work inside and keeps throwing my stuff out that I put down for those three in the grass on the lot next to it, I would say, these cats are the result of people like you who have no compassion for these animals. And if they are someone's cat, its their fault that these cats are getting lost, in fights, knocked up, hit by cars, abused, etc., because they let them outside!! This morning Stripes on Central and Goodman actually let me stroke him for the first time. He and Benny are needing homes VERY badly. I need to find them homes!!! Please someone reading this, open your home for these two very tender sweet cats! I need to also make a plan on what the cost would be for a shelter that these cats could live out their lives, with a vet on hand daily to care for them, and there would be no cages, but televisions and furniture for them, and love from me and my helpers. I need to make a plan for a 'Meowsville' (Gina's dream - I am just using the name for now, I swear G!).

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