Friday, January 1, 2016

New Years Day - JESSICA!!!

CONGRATULATIONS to JESSICA!!!  My little beanie baby.  Thank you Jessica, for making a difference.  You fed a lot of cold and hungry kitties out there today.

Unfortunately, the New Year did not start out well.


Thoughout the past year, beginning in the spring, I had noticed cats around Melville Street, near Greeley Street, in particular.  I started to lay down food under a tree there.  I then noticed many many cats coming to get the food.  From then on, I started to trap neuter and return many of them.  I met a woman one day who was outside with her daughter and mother, Heidi, and explained what I was doing, and she was a fellow animal lover herself.  She told me about the house next door where the renter had moved out and the owner, living out of state, had lost his certificate of occupancy.  The renter had left four of his cats.  I was now feeding them.  Heidi told me I could probably put shelters inside in this carport type thing under the house, and I did, I moved all these beautiful shelters people made for me, put a tart over them, a pallet under them, and the cats were clearly using them. I then began to rescue many from here.  What was left was a red fluffy cat, a calico, and two kittens.

When I pulled up this morning, EVERYTHING was gone.  EVERYTHING. My heart sank.  These kittens, and others, were now left without the comfort and safety of these shelters.  I left a note on Heidi's door to call me. 

I cannot imagine who could have done this, but it is the epitome of cruelty.  To know that these were cat shelters, at an unused house, and not even put them to the curb for me, or some indication that they wanted them gone, its just cruelty in my opinion.

This was my first stop and set the tone for the rest of the route.  Never have I been so down and discouraged, I don't think.  Not to mention the fuzziness in my head from the night before.  And to top it off, when I got to my last spot on Central, someone had completely destroyed one of the plastic huts there at the shelter in the back of the lot.  And taken the boards.  First and last.  What a way to start a new year.

I need to desperately get these two adults and two kittens out from Melville.

Here are a few photos from this morning.




Thank you and have a nice day.


  1. I hope you can figure out why someone stole the shelters from under the carport and who it was. :( What a lousy thing to do.

    I have an idea for creating a shelter, well, actually it's a material called corrugated plastic that could be used for making some kind of shelter. It's the same stuff real estate for sale signs are made of and they come in good sizes and are pretty cheap.

  2. I was with you the day we met Heidi and I am SO sad think those poor cats lost their "home". I hope Heidi calls you back and can shed some light on what happened. Was anything else cleaned out from under the carport? As if someone is moving in or something? That just SUCKS. I'm so sorry.....
