Thursday, May 22, 2014


I heard that the guy on Hayward is reading my blog.  Does anyone have anything to say to him?

Maybe we ought not bash the guy, but try to educate him, and beg for his compassion towards animals.  


  1. Shared please try to have some compassion for what Janine is doing. These cats are helpless and homeless through no fault of their own. They deserve to have a place to eat and sleep. Were it not for Janine spaying and neutering them the neighborhood would be overrun with thousands of cats and these cats also help to keep mice and rats away! Please try to think about them and not take any of this as a personal attack on you. They suffer so much and all they have is Janine to help them. They are gods creatures and deserve to live. Please don't hurt them. Julie Lafferty founder and former president of another chance pet rescue.

  2. Spell check changed Shareef to shared sorry!

  3. If the issue is the cats peeing and stinking up his property, first, it is unneutered male cats whose pee really stinks and Janine is getting them neutered. Second, there are lots of ways to deter cats from digging in the gardens spraying on houses, etc. Lots of cat deterrent methods such as sprinking black pepper around, if you google cat deterrents gardens there are a ton of methods for homemade ideas or commercial cat repellents can be bought. Please remember that there ARE advantages to having cats around too such as rodent control!!

  4. Sharief please remember Janine is trying to make the problem better for you and the neighborhood. If not for Janine's efforts your neighborhood would be overrun with cats. If she (and we) had our way, we would get all of those kitties off the streets and into homes, which is exactly what she is trying to do. The cats that are left are there because there is no room for them elsewhere, or because they have been feral so long they cannot be caught. They are there in the first place primarily because of irresponsible pet owners who keep their cats outdoors when they are not neutered or spayed. We would beg you to please help her to help you as she is working to improve the feral cat problems in your neighborhood.
