Wednesday, May 14, 2014


I got a call at work from Officer Mitchell of the Rochester Police Department yesterday morning.  He told me he got a complaint from a homeowner on Hayward.  He first told me he applauded what I do, and then told me I had to remove my things from the city owned vacant property that I just days ago moved my shelters to from two houses down.  I moved my things because of the young punk that apparently purchased the property next door to where I've been feeding, and where I've fed for years thanks to the owner of that property, had kindly asked that I move my things and he would help me move them over to the recently vacant lot.  He reported me to the NET office.  The NET officer told me I could not feed on city property.  He said I should get in writing the permission from the man who originally told me I could feed on the property next door, which he rents apartments out from - his number has since been disconnected and I am having a hard time finding him.  Will next leave a note for the tenants if they know how to get in touch.  This punk is the same guy that is boyfriend of a girl that apparently owned or lived on the newly acquired property but owned a home near Ellison Park who got busted for pot last year.  She was busted by a cop friend of mine!  He jokingly asked me not to mention that part when I met with him last week, where we had a friendly conversation, and I told him about my blog and how I would be mentioning him, for being so kind.  Yea.  Right.  Sorry. Talk about TWO FACED - he tells me he loves animals, and he has a cat of his own, and what I was doing was good.  Then he calls the NET office to get me to remove my stuff, from the vacant lot???  I am heartsick over this.  I explained to the officer, through blithering tears, that these cats depended on the food I leave them - I could not just pack up and leave.  I only just returned another cat to this spot that I had neutered last week.  There are no other vacant houses around there. I am at a loss for what to do. There is a pregnant cat there too!

I am sick and tired of people so mean spirited!  What can I do???  Without being thrown in jail?  Animals have NO rights whatsoever.  The only right they have is if they are lucky enough to be reported by someone who witnessed either cruelty, or abuse.  Otherwise, they can't even depend on a permanent plastic tote to sleep in.  These animals have no say - they did not come into this world because their mothers wanted them to, and the mothers were able to provide them comfort and safety, and everlasting sustenance.  No, they have no choice, nor rights.  They are suffering out there, and mankind is contributing to this.  What kind of 'laws' do we have that won't permit a few tote shelters to be placed on a vacant, dirty, muddy, glassy, dilapidated fencing surrounding it.  Its 'city owned'.  That's all I get.  And what do the cats get.  Nothing.

I will now have to move my stuff back to the house where I originally had them, and hope I can get in touch with the owner for 'written' permission, over the verbal permission he gave me years ago.  This will really piss off this punk.  But he can't mess with my stuff for now.  That's the 'law'.

PS, I managed to trap one at Baldwin this morning - Laura is having a tough time getting two more as we had hoped.  She is still out there (7:28 am. right now).  It's been pouring, one of the worst conditions to trap in.  Cats take cover, especially during T-storms.  I have three spots at clinic. I pray she gets at least one. Prayers, right now!!!  :(  - update:  8 am - she got one!)

Have a nice day. (the quote below is SO fitting for what I face each day)

"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."


  1. So sorry Janine. I wish there was something I could do. There has to be a friendly person or two in the neighborhood. How do we find them? How do we coax them out? -carol

  2. Hey Janine. I seriously doubt there is ANY law that specifically says you cannot feed cats on city owned lots. I think we need to revisit our idea of contacting the city about "adopting" the lot and beautifying it and keeping your stuff there. Let me see if I can dig up that info again.....

    1. Their is no specific law stating you cannot feed cats on city property. However, you need written permission to be on that property period. Otherwise you subject yourself to being arrested for Trespass especially if you have been forewarned, unfortunately. My suggestion is to start an on-line petition briefly stating Janine's Mission followed by hopefully hundreds of signatures. Then delivering them to Mayor Lovely Warren for her intervention.

      Walt Simoni

  3. Some good adivce up there, thanks everyone for supporting her mission.

  4. What about several of us getting together, bringing one of our police friends, and spending an afternoon going door to door with a handout about Janine and what she is doing, and showing the pic that shows how many kittens 1 cat produces over time and trying to educate and empower some of the neighbors to help? This was one of my goals before I stepped down from my rescue to start an education program. Thoughts? Count me in to help! Julie Lafferty

  5. Mmm yes, let's see if Lovely is an animal lover and recognizes their right to a humane existance

  6. wouldn't it be an idea to talk directly to the head of that net office? And ask them for permission to feed on that lot?Janine please send me that address and I will C if I can dig up any more info for you.
    I have researched New York State trespass law for my own information, as I'm sure you can understand why I have, and from what I remember if the property is not posted,at least 4 commercial or undeveloped land, until or unless you are warned verbally in person, or directly first hand to you in writing, you are not trespassing until you are already forewarned. please look up trespass law New York State yourself see what you can find or why not ask your police officer friend.

  7. also maybe it would be worth talking to Chris Fitzgerald, head of Rochester Animal Services, to see if he has any ideas. I would hope that he would be positive and appreciative of how many cats you have spayed and neuteredand the service you are providing in the cityat no cost to the city i might add!
