Spayed Female on Hayward |
I had a couple of good conversations this weekend with some of the people in the hood where I go to feed cats 365 days a year. . . Yesterday, the gentleman who waves and calls out goodmorning to me a few houses down from where I feed on Pennsylvania and Second, called out to me yesterday morning and I meandered down to where he was watering his lawn and introduced myself. His name was Jackson, from NYC, has lived here for couple of years now after he met his wife and moved into her house there. He introduced me to his pit bull that was in the back, named Blue. We chatted away, I told him what I did, and I left him my card and told him if he ever saw any pregnant females, etc, he could call me.
Hayward Cat |
This morning, Paul came out of his Second street home to say hello. He is the one with the dilapidated garage and I posted a while back that if I had the money, he would be one of the very first I would help out because of his kind heart in allowing me to use his back yard to feed the cats on Second Street over all these years. He was telling me how much the contractors wanted to charge – I heard numbers from $2500 to $4000 and that’s just to secure it. He told me they said if they placed a roof on it, it would collapse. He came out because he was concerned that I would be upset that it might be torn down and the cats wouldn’t have a place to go in. I told him that I was not concerned, that his garage was just a bonus, and that the shelters he allowed me to place behind the house were sufficient enough for them. What a sweet man. Always asking how I am, and always wishing me a safe journey as I leave. Love this man. And he is handsome to boot!
Webster Ave. Cat |
Seventh Street Kitten Mama |
There is a house on Central and Seventh that has always had litter and filth strewn about and I’ve always wondered how people could live like that, day in, day out. I had never seen anyone outside of it – of course I am only there at the very early hours in the morning – but nevertheless, it’s a house that is occupied, so someone must see the trash all over the place. On Saturday morning I drove past it on my way to my last spot and saw a man sitting on the porch of this house. I thought about stopping my car and asking him how he could live like that, but thought better of it and continued. I thought to myself, we all occupy this earth. We are all responsible for the little plot of grass under our feet. Genesis 1 God said, "let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth" To have dominion means to be in charge of. That means that God has put us in charge of caring for his creation: earth, people, animals, plants - all of it. God is the ultimate environmentalist. He made it and he charged us with the stewardship of taking care of the earth. I hate litterbugs.
Baby kitten is doing very well at my mother's house. She has such a good Mommy too. Pictures below.
Penny |
Penny's Lone Surviving Kitten |
Penny's Lone Surviving Kitten |
“Each morning we are born again.
What we do today is what matters most”
Oh Janine ! I let out a gasp of delight when I saw the photo of Pennys 's baby, what a great shot, you should enter it in a contest. She is just to adorable for words, I so wish I could have her :( how you get time on your rounds to stop and chat before work is a mystery to me, but I know you make time to get to know the residents in the hope that even the smallest act of kindness will be shown by them to the kittys. Lovely stories today for us, thank you ! xxxxx
ReplyDeleteGreat photos! That kitten mama is so beautiful. One of my favorite verses is Psalm 24:1 "The earth is the Lord's and all it contains, the world and those who live in it." Everything belongs to Him, cats included and you know He loves them even more than we love them. I'm just looking forward to Christ's return when He will put everything right!