Wednesday, February 22, 2012

To Feed Or Not To Feed - That Is The Question

First, I had help this morning to try to trap the very sick kitty. We were both at opposite ends of the board, with the trap stuck in one end, and me at the other, and the gaps secured so the kitty couldn’t escape. Well, as I went to open the board and shoe the cat toward the trap, the cat was not there! Of all days, when I have the help, the cat was not there. I don’t know where the poor baby went, but I will try again this Saturday when I have help again. I will try again tomorrow, by myself, who am I kidding. The suffering of an animal is something I cannot handle – I will keep trying. I will keep you posted.

On the subject of people who think its wrong of me to keep feeding homeless animals and not having them spayed or neutered, let me give you a few facts. Unfortunately, unwanted animals are a part of our society. They are the kittens that were dumped because they grew up, started being inconvenient and stopped being cute; and the cats that were too expensive (difficult, annoying, problematic) to move when their owners did and were, therefore, abandoned.

I can tell you that they way these cats live, especially in this area that has harsh winters, its inhumane. If people don't feed them, they are gaunt and starving. They get killed by cars and dogs. Diseases run rampant. They are better off euthanized peacefully than left to live on the streets, freezing and starving.

The answer, of course, is yes, you should feed strays. Since cats became domesticated they are no longer wild animals that can fend for themselves outside. They don't survive very well outdoors on their own without human intervention.

I have had many many many cats neutered. Most of these cost me from my own pocket. Many were discounted, and many I paid full price for. The majority of those I found homes for because I couldn’t bear to put them back on the streets. And the others I have had to put back on the streets, and it was heartbreaking each time. I won’t get into all the specifics trying to defend why I can’t spay or neuter all of these cats I feed, but I can tell you there aren’t enough people like me out there trying to make a difference. I need help in many ways, some friends would say mentally - ha ha, but for those that criticize me, step into my shoes for one day and you will see the difficulty I have in even getting out there to feed the 40+ cats I do each morning in all weather conditions, let alone trapping them, bringing them to one of two clinics we have for spaying – one open only one day a week and cat must be there at 8 am. and picked up at 2 pm., the other is once a month, and you are on a waiting list, and both a distance to drive. And I have a full time job.

The best that stray cats can usually do is to eat from garbage cans. Every now and then they may find a mouse to eat, but in general most stray cats are starving. Especially during the winter.

A lot of people are reluctant to feed strays for several different reasons. One of these is the idea that strays will breed out of control if you feed them. The truth is that strays can breed out of control whether or not they are fed. Not feeding stray cats will NOT reduce the stray population. Even very hungry cats can still breed and then they will produce starving and unhappy little kittens.

Also, remember that it isn't the cat's fault that he or she is a stray. Often strays are cats that have been abandoned by their owners for some reason. Other times, the strays are born outdoors to other stray cats. In any case, it isn't the cat's fault that they have no home. Also, cats are intelligent animals with feelings and individual personalities and it is cruel to let them go hungry.

So, I guess my point is, don’t criticize those that feed cats. Do something to make a difference in your own neighborhood, or help someone else in theirs. Lend a hand to help.


  1. Great post, Janine! I can't believe that sick cat wasn't there, the poor thing.

  2. Couldn't agree more. It is not the cat's fault...humans are to blame, period. Overpopulation, strays & homelessness have a solution if more people would put in the effort, any effort. It's very disheartening that the majority of people don't show much, if any, compassion for other living things (other than themselves).
    I'm sorry you didn't get the little sick one. Keeping positive thoughts it will happen soon.

  3. Very well said Janine! Wish I lived near you so I could help you! will pray you get the sick kitty very soon. Rose
