Saturday, February 25, 2012

Snowy Saturday

Yes, when you are all in your snuggly warm beds this morning at 5 am., the winds were howling something fierce outside, and the snow was pelting.  It was not a good night for the kitties out there.  I made the best I could for them this morning, but it will be a miserable day for them.  The snow is just coming down, and the wind is still whipping.  I did not see either sick kitty, the severe one, nor the one that is getting close to severe, but very sweet.  I was going to pick up pills from someone who offered them to try to give to these cats yesterday but my day got away from me, so I wound up searching in my cabinet and found some old pills and pocketed them, hoping to give one or two the the sweet sick one, but he wasn't there.  I have to tell you about that certain spot also.  I have mentioned about a nutty person that must go there during the day and rearranges things, and leaves crazy food and containers.  Seems to have a good heart!, but you can tell there are some apples missing from the basket!  Well, I had a door as a lean to on this porch and under it I placed straw, and put a carrier at one end of it with towels and blankets to protect it.  Recently, the door has been moved to different spots, and sometimes thrown into the yard.  Each time I would set the porch up again the way it originally was - I know the cats were using it.  I knew their security was being disrupted each time this person did this, but I couldn't stop it.  Finally, earlier this week, the person did it.  He/She finally broke the door in half and it was strewn in the yard.  Well, the next day, I left a note on the back of a paper plate stating something like "You won - did that make you feel better?  You took the only warm shelter these cats had and broke it - I am sure God is proud of you" - something like that.  Well, do you know, the next day, half of that door was placed over the straw against the house.  Somehow, I got to this person.   I am still in shock, but I feel better knowing that this person actually has a conscience!

I wanted to say one more thing, and then I am going to go read my cooking magazine that just came in the mail, and relax.  I wanted to say that there may be some folks who would like to see me try to pill the very sick kitty rather than have it euthanized.  Here is my take:  This cat, is very very ill - It would take many days of treatment to make it well.  Due to the chances of this cat getting the treatment, and the severity of its illness, if I were to ask this cat what would it choose, life on the streets where it has to struggle and suffer every day to make it on these very dangerous and miserable streets as a very sick cat, even a healthy one, or to have it life end in a humane way, without suffering, I am sure this cat would chose the latter.  I don't do euthanasia on a whim.  I know when its right and when its wrong, and I've done both, and I feel this time its right.   Show me the person who can take this cat in and make it well, and then I have a choice.

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