Tuesday, March 12, 2013

What If?

As responsible adults, we make all sorts of “arrangements” in our lives. We make arrangements for our children, our elderly parents, our finances and our assets. Some people buy life insurance and designate godparents for their children, to ensure their family is taken care of should the unthinkable happen. Many people do not make arrangements for their pets.  Its not because we don't love our cats. They are like my children to me - I never had any human ones of my own!   So why haven't I discussed with anyone what I’d want for my babies if something happened to me - am I assuming my mother will take them all???   I think I am in denial. It’s not that I believe I will live forever or that nothing could ever happen to me. I understand that life is unpredictable, and you just never know. Still, sometimes I think people – myself included – sweep these thoughts away because we want to believe that all will be well. Usually it is.  But what would happen “if.” I don’t really like to think of that, but I should.

This was brought home to me after receiving an e-mail this morning from an acquaintance who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, and she had adopted three cats that I rescued from the streets four or so years ago, and brought them out to live their lives in her horse barn and garage in the 'country'.  She now has to downsize to live with her daughter, and cannot bring them and asked for my help in finding them homes, again.

Its imperative that I arrange for my cats care should there come a time when I wouldn’t be able to. I could never leave it up to chance. I could never just live my life “hoping” that my cats would be taken in by family and if that wasn't possible, that they would make sure my cats had wonderful, loving homes with people who cherished them.  And who would feed the 50+ cats that I do on a daily basis in the hood?  Who is going to care for them?  I need to start DOING something now, rather than just thinking about it now.  I am NOT going to live forever.

I would also like to share with you a picture of a cat named Gxir.  Gxir was the 'daughter' of my friend Jess, and Gxir passed away this past Friday.  Gxir had a long and happy life, and was ready to be home with her Lord.  She will be missed.  She sure was a cutie pie.


  1. Gxir is a lovely kitty, and is a sad loss for her familly, what a great life she had with them. I too, think of what will become of the many animals I provide food and Shelter for.....there are places that run on chartitable donations and home animals that are left without their carer as a result of death, physical incapacity, that take them in and it ia a part of our care plan to have this happen. That these places exist, proves that there are enough of us willing to pay for the continued care and happiness of our pets, tells me that what people like Janine and those that support what she does each day for these creatures, is valued by our society and is worthy of our time to make an even stronger case, for additional laws of animals rights and funding by governments.

  2. Would you tell us where these "places" are please. that take in orphaned animals whose caretakers/parents have either died or had to go to a nursing home? Because we get requests/inquiries/please all the time and I don't know of these places! I myself too over lifetime care for 5 cats for an elderly friend/neighbor when she went into a nursing home.
