Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Now That's a Knife!

(said in an Australian accent...)  I found a six inch dagger this morning on the porch of where I feed baby Rufus and his mommy Emma  - things looked askew - not sure what was going on yesterday, but of course I did pick it up and brought it back to my car.  Wouldn't want that to get into the wrong set of hands, most likely AGAIN.  I have found many things over the years that would make a normal person cringe.  Knives (big), condoms (gross), and even a dealer's stash (drugs).  Yup, I've seen it all.  Anyway, the knife I found was not something you use to cut a steak with, nor did it happen to fall out of someone's sink onto the porch of this boarded up house.  It was trouble, through and through.  I've asked cops over the years what to do with the knives I've found, and they just say to wrap it well and throw away, but I think there has to be a better way to dispose of these lethal instruments.  You think about the animals that forage the dump sites, and how they can easily get hurt by stuff like this.  If anyone has a good suggestion, please let me know!

Going past Miss B.'s old house this morning, I pulled over as I noticed the SLUMlord moved all her stuff to the curb - trash day.  There were television sets, stuffed teddy bears, clothes, everything you would have in your house was at the curb.  I sat for a second before I pulled out one of my large dinner sized paper plates and wrote the following on the back of it "To the Slumlord:  Shame on you for putting an elderly woman and all her worldly possession out on the street.  God will deal with you at the end.  Anything for a buck, right?"  I then placed this in the mailbox to the house.  Now, some of you may find that to be harsh, but I am calling it like it is.  There had to be a better way to do that.  Miss B. experienced her mother's death months ago, and I am sure she was faced with the decision of using her government check to pay that month's rent, or burying her mother in Florida.  What would you do.  There had to be a better way to help her.  Shame on that SLUMLORD.  I did, at the end, pick up a sweet little teddy bear attached to a heart shaped velvet pillow, and a pile of her mail, and I am sure that when I see Miss B. again, she will be very happy to see that one small momento in/of her life given back to her.

One more thing, Cloe, the unneutered girl kitten that is being fostered is still missing since last Saturday.  Please say a prayer for her safe return.

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