Sunday, February 13, 2011

Good Times Bad Times, You Know I've Had my Share

When humans feel sick, they go to a doctor, who either treats them or sends them to a specialist to figure out whats wrong with them. When animals feel sick, they are usually noticed by their 'parent' and brought to a veterinarian, or they remain sick and eventually get better, or die from their illness. On Saturday morning, I am not sure what was the case, but I found this poor baby in the temporary shelter my friend the teacher had made for me at the spot that was trashed the week prior. I noticed a black tail sticking out of it, and a horrible smell, and was seriously hoping it was just a very very large rat. But it was this little black baby, still somewhat warm.
He even had on one of those rubber or plastic cheap flea collars on. I've seen this little guy, and have even fed him on this street on the side of the road because he wasn't one of the pack that I feed here. I wonder what the circumstances were of his death. Its very very sad. I know the other kitties were wondering that something was going on, and it wasn't good. I know they know. I did the best I could there, and went on my way. Usual suspects out at their spots, no signs of Benny the entire week, although have seen his girlfriend Boo. Not sure where he has gone off to, but I hope he comes back. Red was around this morning at my last spot. Still leery of my after almost having him successfully placed in my carrier for adoption. So sad about that one. He was crying. He really needs a home! The second picture here is of Button, on Second Street. I actually had her on my lap in my car Saturday morning, giving her a great pet, and warming her toes on my lap. She really needs a home too.

I write this today because I felt sick and went to a doctor and am now going to have some medical stuff done - so won't be in the mood for writing the next few days! But I will certainly be out there both mornings, feeding my babies, whether I should be or not! Wish me luck! XO

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