Friday, January 7, 2011

Louie Lou Eye

Well, I finally did it. I rescued Louie off the street of Rochester yesterday morning. I have driven up to his feeding spot too many times lately where he runs up to my car and starts to cry. I have lately been able to scoop him up and set him on my lap before I get out of the car, where he sits and purrs for a brief, warm minute. He must live in a bush outside of this abandoned house because that is where he runs from every single morning. He has endured snow, rain, sleet and heat. I had to go into this neighborhood in the evening, where I feed in the mornings, actually its Number Nine of my stops, and there he was. He obviously sits there day and night waiting for me in the morning, but when he came out in the evening, I knew he needed to get off the street. So I scooped him up the next morning, and he is safe and sound for now, although he does need a home, and quick. I am pretty sure he would also want a home where he doesn't have to play dress up for his mommy! :)

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