Tuesday, November 9, 2010

One Day at a Time

As I sat this morning, the rarity of having a moment to do that, and watched the news, some good, some bad, and in particular a case of a man who murdered a family in Connecticut, I realized that wow, my problems seem so irrelevant in comparison to things going on around me. Maybe not irrelevant, but insignificant. And these poor cats I feed, they really do have it better in comparison to some humans when you think about it. They can come and go as they please, and they have me to feed them each morning. This opinion won't last long come snowfall. I am really trying to figure out how I am going to make these cats comfortable. I can put down a million shelters, but the snow will still cover them if I am not there each morning to dig them out. And the mean people who will destroy these shelters. I still have to figure that one out.

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