Monday, September 13, 2010


There is lots of new today, but to begin with, I was thinking about all the mean folks that have fought me along the way, feeding cats, and sheltering them. Do they really want to be remembered by someone, me, and their God, for being unkind toward their fellow man and animal? Will they ly on their deathbed and say, I did this and that, I acomplished this and that, and I didn't allow anyone to feed animals on my property. Is life really worth that? I think about life being so short, and in the end, what do you really have to show for it? Its how you are remembered, not what you have, or how you kept your property, or how much money you made, or if I was white or black. Stripes was almost found. The girl who was fostering Stripes for a week and then Stripes got out her window, she called me to say she had found him, and then the next morning she called to say she had the wrong cat. She thought it was him in the dark. I hope she does the right thing with the wrong cat, but wrong or right, they are all precious. Stripes remains missing, and I remain incredibly sad over it. On a more positive note, Jessie, the elderly and disabled black man who lives next door to the abandoned house on Niagara Street, next to the spider, and the house that I've rescued quite a few cats now in my life, including the recent kittens, Mia, Otis and Milo, has been evicted from his home by the State Health Department. We are going to try to help Jessie, number one his having an appointment this morning to get him into an apartment near Hudson and Ridge Roads. Can you imagine living in a roach and rat infested home? What is wrong with these slumlords we have. And Jessie tells me his landlord is a female! Well, I guess there are all kinds. We really hope we can find him a place for the small pension he lives on each month. He's a nice man, and at his age, he shouldn't be living that way. He has to be out by October 3rd. Wish him luck.

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