Friday, January 17, 2020

First Rescues of the New Year!

TGIF. What a week.  I rescued two kitties this morning.  As I drove away from Short Street shelter, I turned down Seventh Street, and I saw a cat on a porch on the corner.  As I was looking at the cat, I glanced down and in the corner of this porch on the ground was a kitten!  I got out of the car, shook the food bag, set down the bowl, cracked a can of wet food, and kitten started to meow and walk toward me.  Sniff of the fingers, and she was mine!  Meet Google!  I am not sure about the name, but we had to give her something because I had a vet appointment scheduled for the cat that I had PLANNED to rescue this morning.  So, fast forward to 5:15, after finishing up the rounds – which by the way, the thermostat said 17 degrees, it was really in the single digits with the winds whipping – after dropping kitten off into a bathroom at home, we returned to Greeley and Parsells, and grabbed BOOTS.  Boots is a former TNR from there, and he has slowly begun to trust me and started to allow petting.  A foster of mine, Gaye, had no fosters to care for after Monty was adopted, so we made the plan to get him, get him into the vet for testing, and into a real home!   It will be a change for him – he has been living on the streets for a long while now, but when I got him home, as scared as he was to be IN the carrier, he was scared to come out.  After sweet soft talking to him, he finally emerged.  He loves to be talked to gently and loves to be stroked on his very soft black fur.  Very nice cat.  And the little one?  Sweeter than honey.  I am very thankful for these two to be in my path today.


Have a GREAT day!

"The struggle ends when the gratitude begins."


  1. you are a hero times 2 today

  2. Shes my hero EVERY day !
    Great work J !
    HA - I'm a poet and dont know it !
