Thursday, January 23, 2020


I've got Patsy Cline song on my mind this morning...  

Another quiet morning out there.  Sometimes so silent you can hear a pin drop.  Other times, you can hear sirens wailing, people calling out to other people, cars whizzing by... it's crazy I say, crazy!


I have three very old rescued cats that all look like death warmed over.  One of them, Cookie, is going to the vet today to have her mouth checked out.  Each of them are skin and bone, but still kickin’.  Cookie was trapped on Central Park between 5th and 6th Street many years ago, along with her kitten in the same trap, and was brought in for spay.  They discovered she had a bad case of Pyometra and would have died a very painful death if it had not been caught in time.  So it was a blessing for her, and she has lived a good life since captivity.  I can’t remember who adopted the kitten.  


The other two, Baylee and Mary Jane, are holding their own.  Mary Jane is the worst, and I watched her this morning as she huddled down on the kitchen floor.  Her eyes seem glazed, and I think she has a form of cat dementia…  she just seems ‘not there’ most times.  I did get her to move her head a bit after I got out the laser pointer.  I had it zipping around her feet and then to her tail.  She didn’t move her head very fast, but she moved it.  I rescued her from East Main Street many years ago, at least 14 or 15, when she was very young, along with Scooter, her brother, who I lost just a few months ago.  That was when I had just a few places that I went to feed cats around the city.  I could never get her adopted out either.  Baylee, he was a real mess when I rescued him. I was driving on Bay Street – of course very early in the morning, and caught a glimpse of a red cat under a bush.  I got out and placed food down, but the cat ran to the back of the driveway.  I continued to do this daily until the red cat would start getting closer and closer.  As it got closer, I noticed long spits of drool coming out of his mouth, and he sounded congested.  I started to add Clavamox to his wet food and this went on for many weeks.  The cat still sounded terrible.  I switched medicines, I can’t remember the other… Amoxicillian?  That went on for a few more weeks and nothing.  By now, cat was coming closer and closer and allowed me to pet his head.  He was starving so he probably just thought, ‘screw it, I’ll let her touch me cause I want that canned food so bad!’  So once heavy petting occurred, I scruffed him and the rest is history.  Actually, he cost me a pretty penny trying to get him healthy, and come to find out, he has a small hole in the back of his throat, and can’t breathe well through his nostrils, so he breathes heavy through his mouth.  He’s a good boy, but looks pretty bad - he was just treated with another shot of Convenia last week.  That’s OK.  I love them all regardless.


Have a great day.

"Little spark 
of kindness 
can put a colossal 
burst of sunshine 
into someone's day."

1 comment:

  1. I gave my cat with chronic respiratory problems some MSM in her food.
    It stopped her constant wheezing which had been going on for years (The vet said it was herpes, and offered no solution).

    It's also good for people who have respiratory problems, such as colds, flu, allergies, asthma etc.

    Breath Easier with MSM
    "Asthma/Allergy patients taking MSM supplements significantly reduced upper and total respiratory symptoms within seven days."
