Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Feed a Cat For Christmas! Julie S!

Taken on my last trip to Colorado

JULIE!!!  Thank you, Julie!  I appreciate your donation to help feed cats for Christmas!  Julie has been a kind supporter for a few years now.  I think it was ...  two? ... years ago that she brought me pumpkin spice liquor....  sort of like Baileys.  DELISH!  I thought, oh this girl knows her way to my heart!   Julie, thank you to you and your husband Raul.  You have helped to feed and care for a great many kitties today.

RANDOM PICS - From the old days...  My shelters have become much more sophisticated!  Click on pics to see up close!





It was another quiet morning… our temps have been pretty decent this January.  High 30s… I was thinking about people that live in Australia.  They are in their summer months, where the highs are in the 100s sometimes – a lot of the times – and 30 degrees is FREEZING to them.  Not to us Rochestarians…  We are a tough breed.  We are supposed to get snow by the end of the week, so I am not looking forward to that.  I seriously do love all seasons, but winter is particularly brutal to cats living on the streets, not to mention neglected dogs that live outside due to their $##$%! owners.

My goal is to rescue two cats soon.  One is the tux living on Greeley and Parsells behind the store, and the other is the little petite black with white tip tail on Fourth and Pennsylvania.  My third and fourth choice would be the red fluffy kitty on Melville, who is badly matted and the Monty look-a-like, and fifth would be the crier/meower on Central Park.  He is uneartipped, and is the one that ventured down the street and was on the third floor, then the second floor, of the abandoned house he was ‘stuck’ in for days, and now must sleep in the plastic totes I have on the porch there on Seventh and Central.   

So, other than that, we still have Jonny, Ellie, Rory, Lily, and Joey available for adoption.  Let's get going! 

Thanks so much again for my past fosters Laurie, sister Karen, Jennifer, Danielle and Chuck, Patti and Todd, Shannon and Kathleen, and current fosters Carol, Kim, Melissa, Max, Sue, Estelle, Gaye, and Kristin!   Without fosters, the 100+ cats I rescued in 2019 would either be dead or starving on the streets right now.  Think about it. 

Have a great day.

"Bravery is not the
absence of fear.
Bravery is feeling
the fear, the doubt,
the insecurity, and
deciding that
something else is
more important."

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