Thursday, January 9, 2020

Feed a Cat For Christmas! Tracy S!

TRACY!!!  Thank you so much for your donation to help Feed A Cat For Christmas!  Boy, do I miss Tracy.  Tracy was my neighbor for many years....  then she kept having babies and outgrew her house!  Tracy is a cat lover herself.  She has two fur babies and three human babies… well, two now but one on the way!  Her dad is also instrumental in getting a colony of cats in the Sodus area spayed and neutered.  Thank you Tracy! 

This morning, as I pulled up to the large vacant house on the corner of (497) Central Park and Seventh Street, where there are two shelters on the porch and a dish for food and water, I heard crying.  I looked up and on the third floor of this once large house with several apartments in it, there was a cat in the open window, crying.  I went to investigate to see how the cat actually got in there.  I went to the right side of the house, and all windows were boarded up to the basement except for the last one.  There was a loose board leaning against the open window to the basement.  I looked down and I could see how a cat could jump down, but it would be impossible for him to jump up.  I called 911, and the girl, after telling me to hold on while she talked to her supervisor, came back and said ‘well if the cat got in it can get out. ‘  I told her, no, it can’t jump up that high.  They told me to call back at 9 am. to see if Animal Control would do anything.  So that I shall.

UPDATE:  I had Kings go over to see if the cat was still crying out the window. He said he couldn’t hear or see anything.  I asked him to check on the board that I had left on Niagara yesterday.  The board was there this morning at 4:30 am., but when he went back, it was gone.  The bastard did it again.  AND, he is throwing the food out.  I had left two large bowls of dry, as I do every day, and apparently, he is throwing it out.  And here I thought the cats were eating all that food.  I must catch him.  I must stop him.  He is a menace, a true menace.  I will probably follow Walt's advice, but could possibly get a cat hater cop showing up, and if so, will tell me I shouldn't even be on the property without owner's permission.  I will then have to explain that these cats have been there for a very long time, and they have nothing, so I am at least providing them with some protection and sustenance to live on.  God, what is this world coming to when you have to fight to feed a starving animal.

Here are some adorable pictures of  Eloise and Lex that I received yesterday from their adoptive parents.  They are SO cute!

Have a nice day.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I agree. 2019 was a "terrible year. 20 years ago was so much better.
    But I do wish for you a joyful 2020. I will be in touch.
