Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The Babies are Here! The Babies are here!

First and foremost, Ariel has delivered her babies!  March 30th out popped the first one, and then three more!  Aren’t they adorable!  Naming won’t begin until we figure out some cutesy names.  Ariel and babies are doing fine.  The babies must be nursing a lot because they appear quite large already, and they are only three days old.   I’ve already received one application for two of them!~  I feel very sad that I cannot personally see them.  They were born at Foster Sue’s and she has a lot of stairs that I could never manage.  I am waiting for them to be weaned so I can take them to my house for meet and greets.  Next step is for Ariel to be spayed, once kittens are weaned.  No more babies for you Ariel!  This is your, at least, third litter!

I am looking for a new foster for Annie.   For some reason, this beautiful sweet and cuddly little 8 mos. old girl is not yet adopted.  Her Foster Melissa has some personal issues she needs to attend to and asked if we can find another foster for her.  Anybody?  Well, not just anybody, it has to be someone willing to work with her a little, she is shy to approach, but very cuddly in your arms.

I want to thank Sheryl, Kim, Beth, Nicole, Kate and Kings for their efforts from Saturday through Monday.  Kings did the route this morning, as he will Wednesday and Thursday, as we have no one those days.  Honest to God, I just can’t thank you enough.   I also want to thank Joel for his efforts this morning trying to trap on Short Street.  As he walked up the three steps to the vacant brick house he noticed a woman laying down.  I am sure he was in shock!  He did call me and I told him to tell her what he was doing.   I was not there, but I hope she was warm.  I have encountered many homeless people on vacant porches.  They always scared the heck out of me.  I gave a blanket to one, and brought a sandwich to him later.  Its very sad when sleeping outside in 30 degrees is your only option.  Anyway, he set the trap in front of the house hoping to trap the little red, with short legs.  He told the woman what he was doing, and that he would be watching the trap.  But no luck.  No luck for trapping Big Red either.  I am so disappointed about Big Red.  I need a drop trapper.  I’ve asked, believe me.

I am overloaded with cats needing adoption.  Please share these pictures with your friends and family.  I need more fosters.  I cannot rescue any more until we get these cats into homes.  We have:  Jasper 1 yrs), Harper (6 mos.), Simon (6 mos.), Joey (6 mos.), Junebug (4 mos.), Parsley (6 yrs.), Hermie (6 yrs.), Annie (8 mos.), Emma (1 yr.), Larry (1-2 yrs. – we’ve got to get a picture of him!), and finally Ariel (2 yrs.).  That’s 11 cats!  Please help!~

And now for our update of the day:  Do you remember Luke?  His name is Rudy now.  He was adopted by Dr. Powell, a long time vet at Laurelton Animal Hospital (now retired).  I was thrilled  and honored that he chose me to adopt a kitten from!

LUKE the Kitten

LUKE Today!  

Have a great day!

"The struggle your in today is 
developing the strength you need
for tomorrow."

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