Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Feed a Cat for Christmas! KAREN & GEORGE S.!!!

Thank you so much KAREN S. and George for your help to Feed a Cat for Christmas!  You made the day for so many hungry babies out there!  I know Karen through ....  my blog!  And Facebook has had a good hand in that also.  Social media - where would we be without it?

Today was TNR Tuesday.  Good Lord.  Two hours out there - set traps at three locations, trapped one already ear tipped, grabbed this guy by the scruff, the little 'nuggets' one from the other day that I wrote about.  :)  Named him Dasher!  I am hoping someone will want to foster!  He's a good kitty that needs a home.

DASHER from Parsells
I used sardines this morning.  I am wondering if that turned off some kitties and that is why I had no success at trapping.  Ugggh.  Its tough.  Two hours though...  that's a long time for me.  Frustrating.



I was over at my friend Jessica's this weekend and took pics of her babies, Pumpkin and Charlie.  Both are the children of my cat, Vanessa.  All three were rescued from Pennsylvania Avenue years ago.  Babies.  Can you tell how happy these kitties are, compared to how they could have been?  Fluffy little babies!

Fluffy came out to lay on the couch with me this morning!

Fluffy says:  "Momma', I want to play!  I love to roll around all over and fall off this windowsill!"  Fluffy needs a home!  Who wants to adopt him?

Inside Shelter This Morning


This is where I built a shelter on Second Street, corner of Central.  This is where I discovered five beautiful kittens early fall, and now there are three.  I've spayed/neutered two of them.  And I think I got the Mom.  I pray that the three Styrofoam boxes under that tarp are good enough for them to keep warm in this winter.  I need a little help here, I have no creativity as to how to make this bigger so that the other adult cats that hang around this corner can go in and stay warm and safe.  Help?

Have a great day.

"In daily life
we must see that
it is not happiness
that makes us grateful,
but gratefulness
that makes us happy."

1 comment:

  1. I will help you with second street!! -Kristin
