Monday, July 20, 2015

HOT and HUMID Again!

Someone played a dirty trick on me and photoshopped my waist to look like I had a tire around it!  Who did that???  Its NOT me really!!!  

Well, after an incredible weekend, I was back at it again this morning.  Well, every morning, have not skipped a beat (had a day off) since April 2014 when I took a long weekend vacation to Hilton Head.  Thanks to Sunday Sheryl and Kings, I was able to get away while they took over my feeding the 60+ cats I feed every single day.  Can you imagine, getting up for over an entire year at 3 am., every single day? I can't even imagine it, but I do it!

The fundraiser was a lot of fun, even though it was stressful and hectic for me at the same time.  I met and saw so many wonderful people, met so many new folks, it was just overwhelming.  I didn't get to have good conversation with ANY one.  :(  There were just so many people to greet.  The food and music were awesome, as always, but the weather I could do without.  It was near 90 and very very humid, JUST LIKE LAST YEAR.  We decided that if we do this again next year, it will be in the cooler months, September or something, and make it a clambake - make it a bit different.  I really like that idea. 

George and Scooter on Friday

I have not heard from Kristin to know for sure, but I think my little Emmett and Pippa were adopted yesterday, to a wonderful couple.  They actually surprised me and came to the fundraiser.  What a wonderful wonderful set of parents my two little babies will have.  And I think SQUIRT may have a new home too!  He will join Harold!  Harold was a sweet stray I rescued from Third and Central maybe three years ago?  We will keep our fingers crossed that when Squirt goes to her new home, things work out on this 'trial basis.'

Crazy Maryleigh was out walking near the corner where I feed, where she has been told to stay off this certain property - she continues to empty the food bowls there daily despite being told to stay away.  I pulled up to her and she immediately pulled out her cell phone and dialed 911.  I don't know if she is really calling, or if she is pretending to call, but I could hear her say 'she is trying to run me down.'  She is a menace and needs to be stopped.  I wish the humane society would do something.  She must be locked up so that we can get some of those sick cats away from her, and the others TNR'd. 

There are five baby kittens on 7th Street that I've been very upset about since I discovered them many weeks ago.  I was hoping I would get help in trapping them, but its difficult to put even a drop trap because its such a long distance from the road to the back of this vacant lot where they are.  I decided I had to do SOMETHING, so I set two kitten traps that were borrowed from Carole Reed years ago, but I knew one was not working, but I didn't know which.  So I set them, in hopes of getting at least one kitten out of there.  After several times going back and finding nothing, I went back and guess who was in the kitten trap, the possible MOTHER of them!  So, at least I got the baby maker.  I brought her home, transferred her to a larger trap and she will await her surgery in the morning tomorrow.  I will be setting another trap probably at Niagara and Central tomorrow, in hopes of getting the white mother cat.  But there are a TON of cats at this location, so I am not sure who I will actually get.

7th St. Mama Baby Maker
I wish I could tell you more about the day on Saturday on this post today, but I am running late and must get ready for work.  I will post pictures, and more details of the day in a later post.

Thanks every one, and have a great day!

If you just look at all that already exists in your life, all that you already have: unlimited air to breathe, ample lighting to see, music to hear, books to read, stars to dream by, trees to gaze at, floors to dance on, friends to cavort with, enemies to befriend, strangers to meet, woods to walk through, beaches to comb, rocks to scale, rains to cleanse you, rivers to float you, animals to comfort you, you do have to admit, there's more of it than you could ever, ever, ever spend.

But try anyway.


  1. I so wish you had mentioned on Saturday that one of the kitten traps wasnt working- I could have tried to fix it! Maybe it just needs an adjustment? It is easy enough to test them- just set it and use a stick to put weight on the pan and see if it goes off. Might need just a little bending with pliers of the trigger tighter or looser.
    I think you should post the address and Mayleigh's name and ask all your blog readers to cal Lollypop Cruelty line Reno Dedomenico cruelty investigator to insist that something be donem Waiting doesnt seem to be working. Hopefully public pressure will.

  2. I hope the turn out was good and you have enough food/money to feed and spay for a while! We had a great time and won some stuff too!

  3. Isn't Scooter your bully cat? I guess George isn't afraid of him! They're adorrrrable!

    My fingers are crossed you get another kitty in the trap! Baby Mama has a precious little face and doesn't look very old herself.

    P.S. Did you get my FB reply?
