I'm a Ladybug! |
No cameras please! |
Winston, you little devil! |
ZZZ.......... |
Hysterical. My talented photographer friend sent these to me - Magic the Lady Bug was her cat to begin with, and then she adopted Winston (also known as Buddy), a kitten I rescued a few years back. Aren't they adorable. Cats are so cute wearing costumes, although I am sure they hate it! My friend also reminded me of the photo shoot for the new kittens I have that need to get exposure, and adopted. The photo shoot is scheduled for today.
I released the black and white Sylvester looking cat this morning, after having it in my bathroom overnight. I don't like going back into the hood during the day light hours to re-release a cat that I've had fixed, so I usually leave on porch, but this guy was a friendly guy, so I put him in comfort in the bathroom for the night. The lactating female, the mother of the kittens I have now, was brought back to her colony in the burbs. I think I spotted a pregnant kitten this morning on Parsells, one of four, and I must call and get some appointments for next week to get these kittens done. There are just so many more others too. I need help with this. Its getting monumental to me, being the only one trapping, PLUS feeding, and then getting myself ready to be at work for a full day.
I am off (only from work!) for a medical procedure, and vacation tomorrow. Wish me luck, and enjoy your day!
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