Thursday, June 5, 2014

Pussy Galore! 2014

The title is the name of a character in a James Bond movie.  I've used it before, but its fitting for my thoughts today.

As I was nearing my route, which consists of 14 locations, I got out of my car at the second to last, on Fifth and Central, and a man was approaching.  I could see he was collecting bottles and cans from garbage bins.  We nodded hello to each other, and as he began to pass me, I mentioned with a smile that I was feeding the kitties, which was obvious by the four cats there gathering around me.  He went on his way, and I continued to set breakfast, lunch and dinner down for these hungry cats.

As I drove down 7th, to my last stop, I saw the man walking down that way toward where I stop.  I got out, walked to the back of the lot, and as I was preparing the medicine for the sick black kitty to hide in his precious wet food, I saw the man walk past watching me.  I then heard 'excuse me'.  I told him I would be right there, and I gathered up my things after setting breakfast down for these three regulars there, and walked toward him, patiently waiting.

This man, a Mexican, told me his brother had six kittens and didn't know what to do with them.  Now, I know this will not make me popular, but after a minute of assessment, and him telling me that his brother could not keep them, I told him the most humane thing would be to bring them to a shelter. I told him they will be euthanized, but that would be the most humane thing.  I told him some people would dump them somewhere in a field or on a road, or give them to bad people who would use them as bait for dog fighting.  I asked him if his brother was a compassionate man, and would he do that.  He replied 'no, he has a good heart.'  He thanked me and went on his way.

Now, my first instinct would be to tell him I would take them, and find them homes.  But realistically, I have my hands full with a million other things in my life.  And in that flash of a moment, I thought of all the other people in my life, and could they take them.  No, there is no one that could take these kittens right now, everyone has their hands full.  There are kittens being born every single day in the springtime.  And with litters being on average of 4-6 kittens, that's a lot.  Right now as I am realizing as I type this, I wish I had gotten this man's number, because I forgot to educate him on getting the mother spayed.  I could kick myself for the things that I woulda, shoulda and coulda done.  Especially SHOULDA.

Ah, regrets and sadness this morning.  Sadness for the kittens, all the kittens out there that won't have a chance at life, or happiness and safety. 

Domino - needs someone to adopt him!

Tomorrow, between Laura and myself, we have four clinic spots - a chance to spay and neuter four cats.  Laura will be focusing on the grey tux on Short, and Tuffy on Second.  They both need to be seen medically - Tuffy has suspected mites in his ear, which might have caused the blood that I saw pouring out of it one day.  And Grey Tux is limping, his left front foot.  I will focus on one of the three tabbies on Hayward, and a grey stripe or a red kitty on Baldwin.  Tomorrow will cost $200 for all four to be neutered.  That's a lot of money.  I need help.  Please consider making a donation for the spay of a cat.  You can call the clinic directly at 585-288-0600.  Its $50 per cat.  And I am doing the dirty work!  You don't have to!  :)  Remember, you are helping just as much by donating to this very worthy cause.  We need to stop the cycle! 

Thanks for listening, and have a great day!

"Always tell someone how you feel, because opportunities
are lost in the blink of an eye,
but regret can last for lifetime."


  1. Hey Janine - Happy to help. I'll call RCAC first thing tomorrow morning and cover the cost of 1 spay/neuter. -carol

  2. Hi Janine - I am also going to call the clinic this morning and cover the cost of 1 spay/neuter. Thank you for all you do. Wendy B

  3. Maybe you could leave your card with some cans for that guy, I bet he needs help in actually transporting those poor babies to a shelter, else it may not even happen.......

  4. Perhaps you could carry small business size cards that had neuter/spay information including places to get it done cheap/free along with addresses and phone numbers. You could also include a few other key pieces of information on that card such as what to do if they find themselves with a litter of kitties,etc. That way your brain doesn't have to remember all of this information. Just a thought. :-)
