Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Gimme Shelter

Love the Rolling Stones, love that song, but that’s also the reality here in Rochester.  The homeless cats need shelter, boy do they ever.  Not only do I need more – and yes, I have had many made for me this past year – and I am extremely grateful to everyone who has helped – but there are other’s out there that I don’t even know about.  Wouldn’t it be nice to know that all cats have a cozy box with warm straw to keep comfortable in during our harsh winters?   Ideally, we should all place a shelter somewhere in Rochester where a large percentage of homeless cats live. 

I’ve been feeding at least three cats on the side of a house that someone lives at every day now, and all I have done is lay a towel on the ground and place bowls down for them.  Its right next door to the driveway of a man who lives in the next house.  This same house, if you will recall two summers ago, we trapped some feral kittens there.  Not an easy task either – actually a very heartbreaking situation as they were brought to the Verona Street kill shelter.  Anyways, I have a feeling that if I place a couple of totes here, the man would allow them to stay, as he doesn’t move the bowls I place down on the other side, near his house when the snow piled up, and sometimes just under his truck, when its really bad out.  At one point two summers ago, I noticed he was placing food down for the kittens himself (which didn’t help in the trapping).  I’ve used up all my shelters that everyone has made me.  I must try to get some more.  By the way, I did place down TWO shelters for the kittens and Mom on Baldwin.  I am hoping they are using them.  I looked for indentations in the straw this morning but couldn’t see them.

As I pulled up to Central and Third, there is a house on the corner that is boarded up that I place a bowl of food and water down for a couple of cats that hang there.  A couple of days ago, I noticed the door to the house was open, which I’ve encountered from time to time in the past, and I would try to close the door somewhat knowing there could be cats inside so I didn’t want to shut them in completely, but I also didn’t want to attract vagrants.    I could see a cat in there the first day so I didn’t’ shut the door, and had nothing to keep it ajar slightly, so it stayed open, and I did my thing – layed down food and water, checked the little Styrofoam shelter there, and went to my next spot.  This morning, as I was there, I heard some noises inside the house and just thought it was a cat moving about.  Well, lo and behold, all the sudden I hear ‘ooh you scared me’!  I looked up and saw two black dudes bundled up to the hilt.  I said, ‘ooh, you scared me too!’.  We started to talk, I told them what I was doing, they said I did that all over the neighborhood, and I said yes, and I asked them if they needed anything, if I could bring them something tomorrow, and I asked them their names and one was Sonny and the other was Ray so I laughed and said I would remember that like SUNRAY and they laughed after I told them my name.  I knew I was somewhat safe from the start because there was a big door leaning blocking us, and right off the bat I just felt like they were decent.  I told them to make sure when they leave to try to close the door somewhat and to make sure there were no cats left inside.  I said the city would come and board it up and leave a cat in there if they weren’t careful to check.   These guys must be spending the nights there for a bit.  I felt sorry for them.  Really.  We are so blessed in comparison to others.  We have to remember that, and to try to always show the kindest side we can to others. 

"Wherever you go, go with all your heart."  ~ Confucius

1 comment:

  1. Jeepers Janine, I would not have investigated that noise, I would have left ! Let me see what else I have lying around that would make a shelter, we have been llucky so far except for a few very bad days, but winter is by no means over for those adandoned kittys.
