Thursday, December 9, 2010

Well... The Weather Outside is Frightful!

It’s the afternoon, and I just realized I had not posted today! Oh how I miss my blog! Its been a very busy week. Backbreaking, to say the least. I must shovel my way to my shelters. We keep getting dumped on. Tonight another foot they say. Its just miserable doing it, but rewarding when I arrive home. I know I've done my best. I am really getting low on towels for the kitties. I have a lot out there now, some being used as screens for the shelters, to keep the snow out. I did not see my Smokey, the old kitty on Central and Goodman. Its so hard for him to walk to the makeshift shelter I have for him. The snow is high. There are three kitties out there now that are sweet and loveable that need a home urgently. One is a grey tabby, I think the sweetest of all. The other is a black tiny little thing. She cries and cries when I arrive in the morning. And the other is Red, the red kitty I've been telling you about since last summer. Very hard to trap, but will let me pet him and love him, so if I do grab him, it will be by the scruff of his neck. These three are desparate to get off the street. Red's picture is in a past post. I will try to get the gray and black kitty's pictures soon. Its hard when its dark in the morning but I will do my best! They are really really sweet!

1 comment:

  1. I sent you an e-mail but then got an auto reply saying that you would be out of office until Monday. So, in case you won't see your e-mail until then, I wrote telling you that I need to buy new towels for my home and that I would like to give you all the ones I have at the moment. I think I have about ten? Anyways, let me know where I can drop them off!

