Friday, December 17, 2010

Its Friday!!

And all seems to be well. Its not blizzarding outside, and its not frightfully freezing! I have had a few nibbles this past week on Red and Blackie, which I am hoping turns out to be a dream come true. These two babies are in desperate need to get off the streets, and I hope we've found a good home for them both! I did see Blackie this morning, but not Red. I think this might be the first time in over 6 months I have not seen him. I do worry about that, but pray he is back on schedule tomorrow morning. I was able to pick up Blackie this morning, which is a good sign. I am a bit bite shy with cats since I was bitten - albeit in my own home - by Mama Girl. I am also going to post a picture/pictures - not sure how many came out - of a new boy I've named Dewey. He is on the corner of 4th and Pennsylvania and waits for me daily. His shelter had been through bars to an open basement window in a boarded up house, but I now have a box shelter the teacher and her students made, and also have a lean-to against a tiny church on the corner, that so far has gone undisturbed. I put a few towels in there, and draped one over one end, so that the wind and snow cannot get in. Don't know how warm it is in there, but warmer than if their was no shelter. Also, I did see Smokey yesterday, and I believe he used the second shelter box on Goodman and Central. He is an old boy, and is not looking well these days. He is uncatchable though, so I just say my prayers! Keep an eye out for pictures of Dewey! He is a BEAUTY~!~


  1. So the pictures above are the new kitty, Dewey?? He seems like such a sweetheart! It's a good sign that he is letting you touch him while he eats. He looks pretty filled out though...I wonder how long he's been on the street.

  2. if i lived in your area i would donate some towels for you
