Wednesday, May 16, 2018

An Amazing Tail

So if you all recall Harvey and Huey.  They are the kittens I rescued back when we had the big hurricanes that came in one right after another last fall.    I named them after these hurricanes ...  well, just because!  :)  They were rescued in the lot near DeGeorge Ceilings on Parsells.  These two kittens were a mess - they had serious eye issues, and thanks to Kristin, she fostered them both, gave them serious love and medical attention, and got them adopted out together into a great family.  

Fast forward.  I get this email the other day.  I nearly cried.  Turns out, Harvey and Huey had a baby sister we didn't even know about!  Read on...

Hi Janine, 

My name is Danielle and I came across your blog through a mutual fbook friend.  I saw the other day you put your email address out there to share stories and I actually have a great one for you that I think will warm your heart.

My boyfriend (Chuck) works for DeGeorge Ceilings and their warehouse is next to empty lot where you take care of some cats.  I know we all remember how that whole thing with DeGeorge played out (LOL) with you using their parking lot...thank goodness he had a change of heart!!!  Anyway a day or two after that was resolved, Chuck returned to the warehouse to see a baby that looked very bad (he actually thought she was going to die) laying in their parking lot alone.  He scooped her up, put her in a box and brought her home!  We immediately took her to the vet, got her some meds and took care of this little baby...we were told she was only about a week old but I suspect she may have been a bit older.  Long story short and many of hundreds of dollars later, she is part of our crazy house with 4 kids and 2 other cats!  I wanted to send some pics along to show you...she is the perfect blend of naughty and nice!  Chuck also helps feed those kittys down you are not alone!   He keeps food and treats in his car and has assisted with putting the shelters back together or adjusting them for the weather.  I show him pictures on your fbook and read him the blog...I think he'd adopt all of Buffy's babies if he could!  LOL!  Thank you for all that you do from BOTH of us!  You are an amazing soul 😊


and here she is!  Before, and after.  (hoping to find out her name!)



I would love to get an updated picture of Harvey and Huey now!

Thanks Danielle, for reaching out and sharing this heartwarming story!

"One act of kindness change the world."
(for something or somebody)


  1. Thank you Danielle and Chuck for sharing your story! More importantly thanks for rescuing and opening your hearts and home to this precious kitten that certainly would not have survived without your intervention. Thank you very much for your kind actions by continuing to feed the other homeless Cats. Please spread the word about Janine's rescue because she needs all the support she can get to continue her mission of " saving Rochester's Cats one at a time".

    Walt Simoni

  2. This is awesome ! Danielle - her name please ?
    She looks really happy and having fun at the top of your tree !
    Please thank chuck for me for rescuing her and helping take care of that spot. Having been along for the ride many times with Janine its great to see others helping the cats along with her !
    (The guy who writes the cat stories) - Joel Schmid
