Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thursday Trappings

I had another opportunity by Lollipop to TNR a few more of my cats this morning.  Helping me out was Laura again.  I can't stress enough how very very grateful I am to have actual physical help from someone - whether it be trapping, or even helping me to feed these cats.  Trapping is mentally exhausting for me, and to have to feed at all the others spots I go to on top of the trapping is physically exhausting.  So, when Laura is taking over two spots of mine for trapping, its two spots less I have to feed at - and it makes such a difference, time wise and food wise.

My prep work last evening involved putting two traps, and two carriers, which Lollipop requires the cats come there in, and with, into my car.  I then got my container of tuna ready, and light blankets to fit over the traps once the cats are in there, it calms them down.  This morning, I set both traps on a porch of an abandoned house that I've been feeding cats at on Parsells.  I left there and went and did my next four stops that are in fairly close proximity.  Of course, all the babes were waiting for me.  I went back to see if I caught one before heading to Webster and Ferndale, and lo and behold, there was a grey and white male kitty in one trap.  Got him, and had to reset the other trap as it looks as if one got in, got the tuna, and took off before being closed in.   I then went about with kitty in the back, doing my thing, up until seeing Laura to give her the cat, as she was providing transport to and from, bless her heart.  I told her I was going to go back for the other to see if I got anything.  I did, and it was a racoon inside!  So, I opened the trap door and I've never seen a raccoon fly!  He hightailed it out of there like there was no tomorrow!  I then grabbed the trap, and went home and put Vanessa in the trap, and brought her back to Laura on Second.  I didn't want to waste a spot, and there are certainly more cats that needed to be spayed, but I was running out of time to get to work and figured the momma needed to be spayed regardless.  She may have to go back out on the street as I am not finding anyone to foster her or her kittens.  So, I consider that a successful morning!

I read a quote from William Shakespeare the other day and found it to be quite profound.  I share it here with you.  I love words that have meaning, that keep life in perspective:  From "The Tempest"....
·         "Our revels are now ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits, and
Are melted into air, into thin air,
And, like the baseless fabric of vision,
The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with sleep."
Have a great day everyone!


  1. Great work today Janine, and if it was Laura B. you have The Master ! she is brilliant. Jeepers, I wish there was somewhere safe for them to go after mumma cats's a worry. Maree

  2. I'm so thrilled to hear that Lollypop is offering this again for "your" cats. And yay for Laura for helping you! It wouldn't hurt to spay a few raccoons, either. LOL!
