Wednesday, March 14, 2018


And the hits just keep on coming!  We got another four inches of snow this morning, and it continues to come down heavy.  I brought the shovel, and my first few stops were iffy as to needing to shovel, but by the time I got to the seventh stop on Garson, I knew shoveling was needed.  I’m tired of shoveling!  Luckily, its not that cold out – a balmy 20 something degrees.  Extra lucky because there is no wind blowing. 

The sick black cat was at the Pennsylvania spot today.  The rats had made a mess of the towel that I placed there - I am continually replacing the towels there almost daily.  They are disgusting and I must eradicate them.  I am hoping dry ice will do the trick, and I’ve had a friend Joel offer to help with that.  Now to get the dry ice, move the shelter a bit to get underneath, and bury the ice down the holes the rats have made.  The black kitty is hurting, you can tell, and he has drool coming out of his mouth when he is trying to eat.  Poor baby.  I made a mental note that this will be one of the spots I will place a trap at on Monday.  Pray he’s there and goes in.  If not, I have to figure something else out.  Monday is my first TNR day of the year.  I have four spots.  Wish me luck.  There are SO many out there that need help, especially with spay and neuter.  Two come right up to me, and both need neutering.  A sweet little black kitty who goes from one location to another.  He is the kitty that in the early winter, I picked him up from in between shelters on Niagara Street, placed him on my lap, and drove him to the next shelter during a storm.  I was hoping he would stay there and take cover.  I’ve seen him all over ever since then, and I am hoping I will see him on Monday and I can get him done as one of the four.   He is adoptable!  

Black Kitty

Then there is Swirly on Second and Central.  He runs to me, rubs up against me, lets me pick him up briefly, and I do believe he will make a wonderful and faithful companion someday, so he may be my next rescue.  He’s a year old and still kittenish looking.  Beautiful grey and white markings.


My heart breaks every day.  I can only do what I can do.  I need more people to foster, and then I can get as many off the street as possible.  Please consider foster and adoption!

And don’t forget about Hermie and Parsley who will be moved this Saturday to a new location.  This new location will allow them a better chance to be met and will give them more room to move about.  I am so excited for them! 

Lastly, another update on Muffin, who has been renamed Mr. Hawkins! 

         "I wanted to give you another update on Mr. Hawkins. He is the sweetest cat!  My daughter brought up Oscar, a 4 year old little black cat who loves Jade, and he has been making friends with Hawkins.  They run around the house together all night long!  He’ll be staying as Hawkins’ emotional support friend.  Oscar, by the way has some balance issues, so I’m going to be the house with all the special needs animals- but I’m happy with that.  Anyways, Hawkins comes out in the evening and purrs, rubs up against our legs, and leans right into us.  He lets me pick him up.  He likes my counters, I found him the other day on top of my crockpot :) He is very social and I think he’s happy.

        His relationship with Jade is making progress little by little.  She doesn’t bark at him anymore.  I’ve had “his” bedroom door open all day and she goes in and out.  He swatted her this morning (he’s finally letting her know not to mess with him) and she has respected that.  He even came out from under the bed a couple of times to sit in the chair or on top of the desk.  They’ve really made so much progress since he first came home! I’ve thought about bringing in the trainer that the vet recommended, but everyday seems to bring more acceptance between them, so for now I am going to keep walking around with pockets full of treats for both of them and lots of positive reinforcement.

        Some day I’m going to email you and tell you they’re both hanging out with us on the couch!"

Have a great day!

Image result for quotes on hope


  1. Yep !
    Joel is ready with dry ice when ground thaws out. Maybe last week of March or first week of April.
    Take that you dirty rats !

  2. Sending a donation today. Use it where needed the most!

    The Cherry Family
