Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Happy Anniversary!

Another mild morning out there.  That snow is a pain in the ass though.  It's crunchy and hard.  The way I like my chocolate.  But not to walk on.

Last Thursday was the one-year anniversary of my fall.  My first broken bone ever.  The ankle and fibula I had to have pins and screws and plates and forks and knives inserted into during a surgery that left me incapacitated for months.  My ankle is still weak, and swollen, and bothers me most days, but they say its normal for at least a year after that, so I guess I am doing ok.  I still pull up to that driveway at 4:45 am. every morning - but thankfully I go to the back of the house where the shelters are on the other side of the house.  That driveway doesn't have the divots in it like the one I stepped in that fateful morning of the ice storm we had the night before. 

I am still so appreciative and grateful to all of my friends that took over my route during those hard months for me.  I never did have that party for you.  Why you ask?  Because THEN I had that hip replacement end of May!  And that took FOREVER to get over.  And then fall came around and the cold weather.  But something will be done.  Hopefully, this will be a year where we will have a Meow and Chow fundraiser.  Not so sure.  I will need help organizing.

This morning I must have jumped out of the truck at least five extra times. I would see a cat crossing the road up ahead and of course, I couldn't let that cat go hungry.  This is why I am now feeding 50+ pounds of food a day.  These scattered cats that are in between the shelters I have around town must be very hungry.  I can't tell you how many times I've seen a cat going through garbage bins, if they are lucky enough to find one available with food.  I still think about the day I can't do this anymore.  I am hoping there will be a variety of people that will go to one or more shelters and place very large amounts of cat food down.  To last days...  Although this morning a very large and very fat raccoon was on the porch of Central and Seventh.  Jerk.  Although they do need to eat too, right? 

Last but not least, update on Pinky, who is newly named Athena by her adoptive parents.  Things were a bit rocky during her first few days in her new home.  Today, it looks like they have taken a liking to each other.  Yes?  :)

Her mom says:  "They love to chase each other around and then we find them sleeping like this together."  Pure love!

Have a great day!

“Find ecstasy in life: 
the mere sense of living 
is joy enough.”

1 comment:

  1. They look so happyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!
