Monday, February 10, 2020

Forgotten Felines!

I am still spending $150 per week just to feed the homeless cats out there.

It was a wet and wild weekend... for sure.  We had some crazy snow and wind and cold and rain.  Crazy.  Bananas.  Thank GOD for Saturday Sheryl and Saturday Kim who took the brunt of the shoveling Saturday morning.  And all in good spirit.  We laughed practically the entire THREE hours it took to do all 20 stops.  It was sad for me because the morning before, Friday, it was pretty nasty out there, and I saw some pretty frozen and wet cats.  One I wanted to scoop up, but I still had Pinky in the bathroom and two rescues is too many for me in one day.  This poor black and white beautiful unneutered boy has hung around the 4th street location since summer, but now has been seen on Central, and then down the other end of 4th.  Friday morning, his fur was covered in ice with heavy snow falling, and as I jumped out of the car to set the food down, I could not find any sheltered spot so I placed it on the sidewalk where another cat was right behind this one.  I would love to rescue this boy but need a foster.

On another note, I delivered Pinky and Boots to their new homes on Saturday.  Oh, what fun it was driving in that storm.  I had a rental, and those Chevy Equinox’ drive really good in snow.  It helped I was on the back roads to Fairport and didn’t have to deal with the roads on the highway where there are too many amateur drivers.  I actually love winter, it's just the harshness of it on the homeless animals out there that I don’t like. 

But lo and behold, Spring is just around the corner, another favorite of mine.

Jonny had a meet and greet on Sunday that didn’t go as planned.  The person has younger children and we didn’t know how Jonny would react to that if he was a bit rough handled.  He has another application in and hopefully, they will meet and greet this coming weekend.  Joey has a meet and greet today, so fingers crossed that goes well!  If those two get adopted, I am down to nothing!  I’ll start adopting out my own brood!

Wait, I did get a call from a person in need of finding a foster for a 4-month-old kitten.  So we will have a newcomer on board by this weekend.

Speaking of boards, that $@%#$E is still taking my boards.  What an ASS.  I can't wait to catch him red-handed someday.  Just wait buddy.

Have a great day!

I Have Done Something

I looked at all the homeless, helpless animals on the streets...the cast-offs of human society.

I saw in their eyes love and hope, fear and dread, sadness, and betrayal. And I was angry.

"God," I said, "this is terrible! Why don't you do something?"

God was silent for a moment, and then He spoke softly, "I have done something," he replied.

"I created you."

-- Author Unknown

"Saving the life of one animal may not change the world, but the world will surely change for that one animal"

1 comment:

  1. You are the epitome of a true Loving Caring person and a true Angel of Mercy �� to all of the homeless Kitties living alone, cold, hungry and tired in what can be such a heartless world ��
