Friday, May 31, 2024

The Latest

 Rest in peace Scooter 5/14/24

So a few weeks ago, someone I had never met posted on Facebook and tried to discredit my reputation by stating that I wasn’t doing what I had been doing for over 30 years.  Back in 2018, he posted the following on Facebook.  Keep in mind, I have never heard of this guy, until then, and since, just recently.

 Myself along with a few other animal lovers loaded up our vehicles @2:30 a.m. this morning (8/31/2018). We had canned food, bagged food, trap and a few transport crates. We set out to help you and your organization. like you have been pleading for months now.

Our goal was to feed, help trap the one you been trying to catch, and to also get a few "friendly" cats or kittens to work with and till adoptable. What you have been pleading for and inviting us to see and do.

We Spent till 4:45 am in your area which you post. We fed the corner parcels dumpster/pallet kitties, The parcels porch kitties, some random corner kitties, Graberly Kitties and Melville kitties. We went to each spot multiple times and no sign of you or food other than what we placed for them.

So that is the 7th time tried to help and answer your plea. have proof of each time. So thanks for deleting all my posts to help and then commenting to make you look good.

How many time you and your non profit organization could plea and beg for help without excepting? This is a trend and can be proved - more than myself have tried numberous times.

How many times you changing or deleting stuff to make you look good?

How many times do WE need to offer and go help your organization without it being excepted?

How long before viewers, followers and the public begin to rethink your organization and your true colors?

3:45 am 365 days a year??? must be 364 days or different time zone clearly.”


Let me comment briefly.   I don’t go out at 2:30 in the morning.  And there was no food at a few of the locations he was referring to because I HAD NOT BEEN there yet!  I go out at 5 am.  Enough said.

This was just a small portion of the vitriol against me.  This person is/was so misinformed that I didn’t feel it was worth getting into a fight, and certainly not a public fight.  I had many people comment in defense of my character on how wrong he was, so I didn’t’ feel the need to defend myself as I know what I have been doing for the past 30 years with the cats of the Beechwood district, and the impact I have made.  

Most of this has been chronicled in my blog from 2014 until last year when I began suffering from the injuries and joint replacements I’ve had because of feeding cats this long.  The bending really does a number on you after all those years. I did a post daily each week for many many years, chronicling what I do out there.  Nothing has changed except that I do it every other day now, and pay for help because I can’t walk on uneven ground anymore.  Luckily there were my supporters who spoke up. I decided this was a good time to retire from this.  I posted the following on my Facebook page, and the 100+ comments supporting me that I received literally made me cry. 

To my dear friends and acquaintances:

Over the past 30 years, I have poured my heart and soul into my cat rescue because it is something I have always been truly passionate about. Everything I do and have done for these animals has come from a genuine place of love. My intentions have always been to do what’s right by them, and my actions are the proof. I know this without a doubt.

Recently, others in the rescue community have chosen to target me, unfairly, in a public forum. These individuals continue to attack my character and have perpetuated lies to try and discredit me. For what reason? I honestly don’t know. The childish and unprovoked vitriol has taken a toll on me and I will say, it has been an extremely difficult time.

After a lot of thoughtful consideration and reflection, I have decided to step down from my rescue and put distance between myself and the individuals who have lost sight of the mission and instead, chose hate. This is not a decision made lightly, as this rescue has been my life for three decades, but I do know this is the right decision for me at this time.

This is not how I imagined this journey would end, but even so, I have no regrets. I walk away with my head held high knowing that I’ve given this rescue my all – providing shelter, nourishment, love, and hope to thousands of vulnerable cats and kittens in Rochester.

Please feel free to message me if you have any concerns or questions, as I will explain everything and how I will move forward to finish what I started with my rescue. 


After a few days, Kristin, my friend and Secretary of this rescue called me to talk.  She, along with my dear sweet mother, told me that I cannot just stop doing what I am doing.  I have to continue to help the animals in our community, but I do have to stop the every-other-day feeding that I have been doing.  I  haven’t taken a day off in over 6 years, that I can remember, and that was a long weekend when I went away and had asked a friend to do it while I was gone (just that Saturday).  In fact, it was a Thursday, and my flight was a 6 am., so I went out at 3:30 all by myself to feed the cats to get to the airport for a long weekend trip.  Kristin suggested a restructuring of my rescue, and that is where we are currently.  We've met with my volunteer helper Esther, and she is willing to take over all of the feeding shelters, while I continue to buy the food, and pay the vet expenses for when we need it (I average $500-$1,000 per month in vet bills).

So, I wanted to post this so that you know I am still around, but I personally will be doing something different in my rescue.  I will continue to keep you updated.

So please keep the donations coming.   I am still spending $300+ on food weekly.  I always welcome not just monetary, but bags of dry and canned food as well.  I would be happy to share my address and Esther's address for food deliveries if that is the way you want to donate. 

Thank you for being my support throughout all these years. 💓

I will be doing another post shortly to tell you the GOOD STUFF about what I've been doing, and all the rescues!  

Have a great day!

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