Monday, June 15, 2020

Lonesome Cowgirl

That's me, I braved it on my own today.  I went out to feed at all my locations all by my lonesome self.  And I survived!  I am doing this an hour later though, than my normal time, because half way through the route, it is starting to get lighter, so that makes it much more safe, and I can see around me.  To think I couldn't do this even with another person a year ago due to the two surgeries I had within months apart - first in February breaking my ankle and tibula, and then the hip surgery in May.  I was a wreck.  Now, 20 pounds lighter, and feeling great, I am back to my old self.  OLD is the key word here.  I do feel old, but am much more flexible than I ever was.

Once in a while, you see cop cars blocking streets in the city.  This morning it was between Denver and Stout on Parsells.  I have a feeding spot in between there so I asked the cop if I could get in but he said no, something about search warrants...  So, those kitties did not get fed today.  I feel bad.  Its a house where you literally have to sneak behind.  The shelters have remained there since the cat friendly family moved, but one was destroyed, and the house and yard is a mess since the new tenants moved in.  Maybe it was their house involved in the search warrant.

Busy weekend.  I delivered Flopsy and Cotton to their new and forever family yesterday.  The kids were SO excited to get them.  I received the following pics today from their dad...

So that's a great thing!  This week/weekend the other two siblings of that bunch, Mopsy and Peter, will be delivered to their new homes.  Surgeries pending, of course!

Have a great day!

"The weak can never forgive.  
Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."

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