Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Back In The Saddle!


I am back, with a brand new hip!  Its been a long time Dear Diary, and I just could not get on a computer to write you.  Thanks to Joel for lending me his dad's laptop, but I was not much into getting on it as it was a very painful month.

I received so many note of encouragement, flowers, and visits - even some cards and flowers from the Street Kitties I feed!  How sweet!  :)  You know who you are...  ha ha.

Here is my past month, in pictures.  I could never possibly begin to tell you day to day, but I can tell you that I've rescued 20 cats just in the month of JUNE.  Thats TWO adults, and EIGHTEEN kittens.  Of course I had help.  I had fosters such as Sue, Melissa, and Kristin.  Without them it would be impossible for me to do rescue!  For the most part I watched those kittens grow into bigger kittens through pictures.  It was hard for me not to get my hands on them when they were babies.  I couldn't drive, nor walk for that matter!

I am back to work this week, and its taken its toll already!  Now my ankle hurts.  My ankle that I broke in February.  Swollen, and I can feel the pins and screws at times.  Gross.

Kings has been a trooper going out each morning while I drive.  Joel helps out occasionally also!  My faithful Laura, who was helping while I recouped from my ankle break was doing Fridays, took a break, then offered to help out on Sundays, then she fell and broke her foot! 

Last weekend I had my faithful Sheryl, and Kim has joined her quite a bit, and then we had Elisabeth help to move a shelter that someone complained about on private property.  VACANT land, the shelter in the bushes, but yet these people are AFRAID of cats, so they complained to the owner of the property, a not-for-profit called The Community Place, on Parsells Avenue in Rochester.  They certainly do not understand the purpose of this shelter there, nor can I explain because it hits me too close and I get very defensive and cannot remain calm and collective trying to defend the cats in these situations. The shelters were moved, but not far.  This place needs to learn compassion for animals.  Here I have their neighbors on Parsells that allow me to place shelters on their property because they see the need for what I am doing, by spaying and neutering cats - and you need to have a shelter for them, and feed them in order to gain their trust.  This street alone I have rescued well over 100 cats throughout the years and found them homes, and double that in TNR (trap neuter return).

This morning - I rescued another cat.  This one is very pregnant.  Nipples huge.  I don't know what that means, did she recently have a litter?  I spotted her after I was driving slowly looking for cats on Stout Street as I had seen a few a few days before.  I spotted something white and tiny in the dark.  After getting the flashlight and shining it on this object, I realized it was a white kitten.  I had Kings put food down under the tree, and six cats came running.  I saw a very pregnant cat and Kings nabbed her.  I have no idea what I am going to do with her.  Normally she would be spayed, but these kittens will be born any minute.  I can't keep her, but she is very friendly and for now, a pleasant little figure in my bathroom window.


So here are some pictures, and I promise to write about things as I remember throughout the coming posts.  Its been a rough journey and one that will continue to be a bit bumpy as I continue to recover.

Andrew - newly rescued

ASTRID - newly rescued


BUCKIE now named Marty


(rescues from Parsells Avenue)

GUMMY BEAR (and the REAL Lichi!)
Rescues from Melville #1

Justice (rescue from Parsells #2)

Add caption

 (rescues from Melville #1

(rescues from Miss B's house)

Wilson, Willie and Astrid!

PARSELLS #3 Kitties!

Shelters were taken

PETUNIA (now named Summer!)
(adopted yesterday!)

PRINCESS (Melville #1)
Gummy Bear, Lichi, Andrew and Thomas' Mom!

ROSEY & VIOLET's new parents!


SARA and new baby (she had three stillborns)
(rescued from trailer park)

Short legged kitty on Short Street!

"Uncle" Charlie
(rescued from trailer park)

Charlie after bath

"Uncle" Charlie and the kittens!

Gummy Bear, Lichi, Andrew and Thomas
 BEFORE RESCUE (born in this shelter on Melville)

Thats all I got folks!  Off to work!  But there is SO much more!

Have a great day!


  1. how has no one commented?? I for one am SO glad to have your blog back on line. Amazing what you and Kings have done despite all of your obstacles. Hurray for all the babies who have been saved. xoxoxox

  2. I'm on vacation so I didn't see this till today.
    So happy to see your blog updated !
    Loved helping while you were recovering.
    Don't forget I am available any time in future for a ride along.
    I can also trap for you or even do the whole route if you need a vacation.
    Can't wait to read what happens next !

  3. Welcome back Janine! I have so missed your blogs. Great to hear that you are on the mend. A huge thank you to all those who have helped out while you were out of commission. Kathy M.

  4. WELCOME BACK JANINE! I missed the blog so much. You are truly amazing!

  5. I'm new. My husband and I just adopted Summer f/k/a Petunia. I thank God for Janine. She truly is a life saver.

  6. Welcome back! I’ve missed the blog!
