Friday, July 12, 2019


Don't we just love Fridays?  Even if you are retired, or don't travel to your place of business during the week (work from home), or are a teacher and have the summers off, you still recognize that its Friday, and tomorrow, Saturday, you don't have to go to dreaded work.  Even if you love your job, you still have the opportunity to stay home and think about it, rather than go in to the workplace.  When I was out for this past month, one day blended into the next.  I was not having fun on the weekends, nor any day of the week for that matter.  All I knew was that it was another day of pain.  I am so glad that I am NEARLY pain free.

My friend and supporter, Eileen Wrona, who owns the boutique Enchanted Rose Garden in Penfield, stopped over last night to bring me proceeds from the collection jar she keeps on her counter at the shop.  $90 dollars.  That's a lot of coins!  She also sat for quite a while and we chatted, and she then filmed the three kittens Willie, Wilbur and Astrid, and posted them on Facebook.  While I was not thrilled that she captured the litter box, and the floor filled with toys and such, she captured the sweetness of these kittens.

Justice Freedom Liberty
My friend and foster mom also stopped and dropped off the three kittens she has been fostering.  She has had enough!  ha ha.  Seriously, they are being spayed/neutered next week and she is going away this weekend, so its great timing, and I can get to know these rascals.  One still hisses at me, and when you pick him up and lock eyes, he really gets nervous.  I know he will mellow out on time.  One, Justice, the really fluffy grey, is a little sickly, or just super cuddly is being treated with Metrodadizonal, or something like that.  For his little tummy trouble.

Astrid, Wilson and Willie
Speaking of sickly, my little Wilson is acting strange.  Eileen thought he was just cuddly, but he is usually the one to run from me.  I watched him this morning as I brought out their food at 3 am., and he hopped off the chair slowly, and was limping.  Could it be calcivirus?  Must keep an eye on him and get him to a vet today, if possible.

Ya know, speaking of that, people don't realize how much money goes into kittens, and adults for that matter, and they get the cat for nearly free when they are adopted.  Kristin took Goldi in for an ultrasound at her vet to see how many babies she had, and I need to ask her how much that was.  I am sure it was at least $100.  She will eventually be adopted out for a mere $80.  Junebug?  I've spent over $1000 on her to figure out her little back end trouble, and she will be adopted out for a mere $120, if ever.  Connor?  He was our million dollar boy (almost!) and he actually was given to his new mom for free.  I have thousands of examples (I exaggerate a bit), but the cost and care of these kittens is exorbitant.  I get all kittens and cats combo tested, and that is another $25 that I have to eat, it comes out of my pocket.  Its not even included in the adoption fee.  No one makes money in this business.  Not me for sure.

Joey and Junebug

Thanks to those of you that recently sent me donations after my plea, or responded to the GoFundMe that Kristin started.  Every cent counts, and I am super grateful. 

As a side note, on Junebug, I am beginning to think that whatever was causing her to 'run' all over the house, and leave little drops 'behind' (pardon the puns!), she might be cured, or outgrowing.  So far so good, knock on wood.  She has cost me a lot of money, and was pre-paid for by someone two months ago, who has patiently waited for her to get better.   I recently received an estimate to have a biopsy on her colon at Cornell.  $3,000+  Man o' man that is something I just could not afford.

That's it!

Have a great day.

“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” 

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